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Commented by Stefan Feulner on June 28th, 2021 | 12:07 CEST

Nel ASA, Mineworx Technologies, Volkswagen - The next stage ignited

  • Investments

Without question, electric cars are the big winners of the mobility revolution. If Germany wants to meet the targets of the Paris climate agreement, CO2 emissions are to fall by at least 50% by 2030. This seals the slow farewell to combustion engines. But now, new problems are emerging concerning electromobility. In addition to the scarcity of the required raw materials, the issue of recycling the batteries and recovering the raw materials is coming up. Here, a market worth billions opens up with huge potential for the respective companies.


Commented by Nico Popp on June 28th, 2021 | 11:15 CEST

Pfizer, Sartorius, Defence Therapeutics: Health as an investment opportunity

  • Biotechnology

Tremendous opportunities lie dormant in biotech companies. New therapeutic approaches are suitable for fighting civilization diseases such as cardiovascular problems, cancer and Alzheimer's. In recent years, there has been a whole series of scientific breakthroughs. Some studies have shown phenomenal possibilities. It is now up to innovative companies to turn laboratory findings into practical clinical results. For shareholders, the opportunities are plentiful.


Commented by Nico Popp on June 25th, 2021 | 14:01 CEST

BYD, Siemens Healthineers, Silver Viper: Many trends in one share

  • Silver

Trends and hypes on the stock market are not always easy: Sometimes they are slow, then there are dynamic upward phases, and sometimes you need patience. Whether it is electromobility, renewable energy or the latest developments in medical technology, no one knows when prices will rise. What is certain, however, is that all of the industries mentioned have a future. So how do you invest? We outline three stocks around the mentioned industries.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on June 25th, 2021 | 12:36 CEST

Nordex, XPhyto Therapeutics, Siemens AG - Growth without end

  • Biotechnology

The Federal Reserve paves the way. After discussions around possible early interest rate hikes flared up last week on the occasion of the Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee, FED head Jerome Powell came forward in person yesterday and dampened burgeoning inflation concerns. While the effects of the pickup in economic activity at the end of the Corona pandemic were stronger than forecast, they should fade over time. Therefore, the loose monetary policy will continue to drive growth - a breeding ground for development and technology stocks and further rising prices.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 25th, 2021 | 12:32 CEST

NEL, Plug Power, Royal Helium - Things could get explosive here!

  • Helium

The energy turnaround in Europe is tied to several factors. On the one hand, it is about reducing emissions, especially of harmful climate gases. On the other hand, companies want to leave a green footprint because it is good for the public reputation and opens other doors of refinancing on the investor level. Concerning ESG criteria, we certainly want to attribute ethical, ecological reasons to most companies. Nevertheless, the road to greater climate neutrality is still rocky and cost-intensive for most. Another prerequisite is that substitute materials and environmentally friendly precursors are equally subject to scarcity since supply chains have been broken. Therefore, the pivotal point for climate-oriented business is the factual competence of the "how," then the necessary means, and finally, the material availability.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on June 25th, 2021 | 11:29 CEST

Commerzbank, Theta Gold Mines, Corestate Capital - Watch out: the hunt has begun!

  • Gold

The value and the price paid for a share on the stock exchange can be thought of in very different ways. If there is too big a discrepancy here, the hour strikes for wise investors. Undervaluation or overvaluation is always in the eye of the beholder. Time will tell whether it was a "value" buy or a "value trap." We pick up the trail of three exciting investments. Where are opportunities lurking, and where are the dangers?


Commented by Armin Schulz on June 25th, 2021 | 10:58 CEST

Carnavale Resources, Rio Tinto, TotalEnergies - Commodities still in hype

  • Commodities

Commodities are in demand, as seen from the Bloomberg Commodity Index, which reached a multi-year high on June 11. Among other things, this is due to China's enormous hunger for raw materials and the infrastructure program of the USA. Inflation fears also drive more investors to commodities, as there is no end in sight to the loose monetary policy. In addition, there is a rethinking of climate protection, giving rise to hypes such as hydrogen or e-mobility. These new technologies require raw materials such as copper or nickel, and so commodity prices are picking up significantly in almost all sectors. That's why we are taking a look at three exciting commodity companies today.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 24th, 2021 | 15:51 CEST, Steinhoff, Mineworx Technologies - Can you believe it?

  • Investments

The capital markets are going in circles! A new round every day. Usually weak in the morning and up again in the evening as Wall Street rises. A never-ending game at absolute top levels. The slogan of the investment banks is "buy on any dips" because they naturally want to continue their business with the lucrative new issues. The pressure to refinance becomes stronger in an inflationary environment for companies because they first have to lay out preliminary products that have become expensive. Investors are therefore demanding more risk premium today than they were a few months ago. Once large stocks have taken off, investors are also turning their attention to smaller stocks. Penny stocks, in particular, are being moved back and forth with the help of social media slogans.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 24th, 2021 | 15:38 CEST

Coca-Cola, Beyond Meat, The Very Good Food Company - Green Food, Blue Planet!

  • Vegan

To eat vegan or live consciously, let's say, is a decision that more and more people are making for themselves. According to estimates, there are between 700,000 and 1.3 million vegans living in Germany alone. In addition, there is a steadily growing number of so-called flexitarians who do not yet feel that they belong to be veganism; however, their food plan contains a heavily reduced amount of animal products. Even insects are included in the discussion of veganism so that vegans also do not (should not) consume honey from bees. Political and social change is progressing, and people's daily habits are changing accordingly. We look at the approaches of modern food producers.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on June 24th, 2021 | 12:52 CEST

CureVac, Cardiol Therapeutics, Bayer - Where we go from here

  • Biotechnology

Biotechnology has an extraordinary impact on our lives. The perception and appreciation of the future industry of the 21st century has increased significantly in the past year. All thanks due to the race for vaccines against the coronavirus. Yet investing in a biotechnology startup requires patience and a willingness to take risks. The risk that an active ingredient will not work in the end, as the example of CureVac shows, is high. On the other hand, however, investors have the opportunity to multiply their invested capital in the event of successful approval.
