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Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 25th, 2022 | 07:58 CET

Rheinmetall, Diamcor, Hensoldt - The scenario escalates

  • Diamonds
  • armaments

All the diplomatic attempts to resolve the situation in Ukraine peacefully have failed. Russia is already in eastern Ukraine with its troops, and the police are reporting fighting throughout the country. In his televised speech launching the war against Ukraine, Russia's President Putin threatens the West with a massive counterstrike. The markets fall into deep red territory. By contrast, the defense industry is benefiting alongside precious metals and oil. Orders should thus continue to rise over the next few years. After the expected sanctions, energy prices are also likely to explode, so there is no end in sight to the inflationary spiral.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 24th, 2022 | 13:45 CET

Barrick Gold, Ximen Mining, Yamana Gold - Outperform with gold stocks!

  • Gold

Unsettled times are good for gold investors. The precious metal has risen by 5% since the beginning of the year. At times it was quoted above the USD 1,900 per ounce mark again. The shares of Barrick and Yamana gained about 20% during this period. The NYSE Arca Gold BUGS Index, which tracks the most important international gold producing mining companies, topped this performance with a plus of 25%. Thus, the sector clearly outperformed the global stock markets recently. Rising precious metal prices are also the hour of explorers and developers.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on February 24th, 2022 | 13:37 CET

Perimeter, PayPal, Porsche - In the fast lane with high-speed innovations

  • medtech

Tech values ​​such as PayPal are currently losing a lot of ground. A wonderful exception in these turbulent times are MedTech companies like Perimeter Medical Imaging. The Company has commercialized an imaging technology that confidently assists surgeons in clinical decision-making, further enhancing patient safety in oncology. What is happening at high speed in the healthcare industry outside Germany is impressive. In contrast, Porsche's popular IPO is not quite getting off the ground yet. There are many talks to be held with various board members to bring the brand back to the family.


Commented by Nico Popp on February 24th, 2022 | 13:13 CET

Delivery Hero, wallstreet:online, SAP: Personnel uprising at digital companies

  • Digitization

Nowadays, many of our wishes can be fulfilled with just a few clicks: A delicious food bowl for lunch, the latest action blockbuster or even a promising stock - after just a few clicks, we have obtained our goal. But digital business models are not always self-propelling. We get to the bottom of problems and show where opportunities still lie today. We look at the shares of Delivery Hero, wallstreet:online and SAP.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 24th, 2022 | 12:34 CET

Rio Tinto, Triumph Gold, Nestlé - Conflicts and inflation

  • Gold

Producer prices of industrial products in Germany were 25% higher in January 2022 than in the same period last year. According to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), this represents the highest increase since the survey began in 1949. The main reason for the sudden increase is the sharp rise in energy prices. Price increases compared with the previous year were also particularly high for secondary raw materials such as paper and cardboard (+72.7%), butter (up 61.1%) and wooden packaging materials (+65.7%). The situation in Ukraine is getting worse, which is likely to fuel electricity and energy costs once again.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on February 24th, 2022 | 12:17 CET

Analysts on TeamViewer, Allianz, Altech: Game-changer potential

  • Investments
  • Electromobility

The Ukraine crisis is currently shaking up the capital markets. But such a time also offers the opportunity to analyze one's portfolio and make changes where necessary. The assessments of analysts can help here. With TeamViewer, Allianz and Altech Advanced Materials, we present opinions on companies of different sizes and sectors. The figures and outlook of insurance giant Allianz have convinced analysts. TeamViewer's stock has recovered from its lows in recent weeks, but analysts are still predominantly cautious. When people think of German battery technology, they usually think of Varta. But there is also an exciting microcap. Game-changer potential is seen in Altech.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 24th, 2022 | 11:30 CET

SYNLAB, XPhyto, Novavax - How long will the Corona boom last?

  • Biotechnology

Corona has been turning the world upside down for two years. Although the stock markets have largely recovered from their crash in February and March 2020 and are clearly up again, some stocks are still doing much better, thanks to Corona. For example, shares of companies involved in developing and producing Corona vaccines, medicines, or testing methods have significantly outperformed the indices. But how sustainable is this boom?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 24th, 2022 | 10:23 CET

Lufthansa, mm2 Asia, BioNTech - Clear the way for the rebound

  • entertainment

After the strong increase by the Omicron variant, the infection numbers are decreasing, and the world is breathing a sigh of relief. Due to the high vaccination rates, politicians are loosening existing restrictions. It is hard to believe, going to cinemas, restaurants and even discos is allowed again. Bookings for the travel season are increasing daily, and flying, provided you don't want to go to Kiev or Odesa at the moment, is possible at any time. Due to the almost two-year standstill, there are interesting opportunities to participate in the revived business, especially in the entertainment industry.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 24th, 2022 | 09:41 CET

BYD, Nio, Nordex, Phoenix Copper: Nothing works without copper!

  • Copper

Electromobility is becoming increasingly crucial for the energy transition in transportation. And with it, the research and development of drives, batteries and power-saving components. However, in addition to electricity storage, vehicle cabling and the fitting of high-tech components are also coming to the fore. Today, an electric vehicle requires 3 to 4 times as much copper as it did 20 years ago. Still, the earth's deposits are exhaustible, and copper, in particular, is pretty much stretched to the limit. A spot price of just under USD 10,000 per kilo clearly shows how the markets are processing this situation. A current conflict, such as Ukraine, provides additional fuel and further rising prices! Where are the opportunities?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 23rd, 2022 | 12:55 CET

Barrick Gold, MAS Gold, Gazprom - The conflict and its consequences

  • Gold

The next level of escalation in the Ukraine conflict has been ignited, and the consequences are severe. Oil prices moved close to the USD 100 mark, posting their highest levels since the end of 2014, and the precious metal gold shot above the important USD 1,900 mark. The stock markets buckled dramatically in the first hours of trading, only to start a rally and price fireworks in the course of trading. Despite the still acute concerns about an expansion of the conflict, a trend reversal may already have been heralded in the German benchmark index.
