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Commented by Juliane Zielonka on May 12th, 2023 | 07:00 CEST

Tocvan Ventures, Palantir, Rheinmetall - Well equipped with gold, AI and defence

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • armaments
  • Technology

The US banking crisis continues to move in circles, this time in slow motion instead of at the record pace of 2008. Alternatives are needed to ensure that investors are well-equipped in these times. Precious metals like gold have always been an option. Tocvan Ventures, as an exploration company, offers a promising gold and silver project called Pilar in Mexico. The launch of Palantir's first AI platform, which is located in the defence sector, also sounds promising. In view of the profit forecast, the share price jumped by a whopping 22%. Significant price gains are also to be expected at Rheinmetall. An undisclosed major order will keep the cash registers ringing for the arms giant on the Rhine, even in times of peace.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 6th, 2023 | 09:51 CEST

AI trend only at the beginning - Palantir, Star Navigation Systems, C3.AI

  • AI
  • Software
  • Technology

The topic of artificial intelligence finally reached the masses with the meteoric rise of the chatbot ChatGPT and is unlikely to be stopped despite short-term bans, as happened in Italy. The topic is also already on everyone's lips on the capital market. The companies in the sector are exposed to a high degree of fluctuation, which is nothing unusual at the beginning of a long-term trend.


Commented by Armin Schulz on March 20th, 2023 | 08:45 CET

Meta Materials and Palantir for the future, what is Commerzbank doing?

  • metamaterials
  • Technology
  • Innovations

The financial industry is shaking after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and the problems of Credit Suisse. The rapid rise in interest rates caught banks cold that had bet on long government bonds with low interest rates. SVB had to report losses due to the falling prices of these bonds. As a result, more and more customers withdrew their funds, and the bank was already in trouble, even though the government bonds were supposedly safe. Now the FED is likely to reconsider its interest rate policy. Some market participants even expect the interest rate to be lowered. This plays into the cards of growth companies, which previously suffered from the hikes. We, therefore, highlight Meta Materials and Palantir, two growth companies with innovative technologies, and conclude with a look at Commerzbank.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on November 1st, 2022 | 10:59 CET

SAP, Kleos Space, Palantir - Tech stocks about to take off

  • Space
  • Software
  • cloud

Whether Amazon, Meta Platforms or Alphabet. Third-quarter figures of the technology giants disappointed across the board, and share prices reached new lows for the year. The Walldorf-based software group SAP presented a completely different picture and surprised investors with better-than-expected sales figures. In the next few weeks, it is mainly second-tier technology stocks that could provide positive surprises. Due to the strong correction of the past months, a trend reversal could be heralded in the long term.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on September 23rd, 2022 | 10:10 CEST

BYD, Kleos Space, Palantir - Market leaders in the clearance sale

  • Space
  • Electromobility
  • Technology

In the wake of the major interest rate hike, the US Federal Reserve increased by 75 basis points, and the stock markets again went into a dive. After the statement by Chairman Jerome Powell, the Dow Jones lost more than 1,000 points over the day, and the Nasdaq technology index also ended the day with significant losses. That threatens a further test of the lows for the year. In the course of this, established market leaders from various sectors corrected and now offer attractive long-term entry opportunities at a reduced level.


Commented by Armin Schulz on September 12th, 2022 | 11:59 CEST

Plug Power, Meta Materials, Palantir - Depot booster through growth stocks

  • metamaterials
  • Technology
  • bigdata
  • GreenTech

The stock market environment for growth stocks has clouded over significantly. Rising inflation, growing interest rates and fears of a recession are causing uncertainty among investors. If, as many experts suspect, inflation is significantly curbed in 2023, the headwind for growth stocks should ease. The first investors are already speculating on this. They are taking advantage of the opportunity to add growth stocks to their portfolios, which will then take off again in the future. As an investor, it is important to ask yourself whether you are prepared to hold a stock for at least 10 years. After all, it often takes a long time to become a stock market star that generates high profits. Today we look at three companies that have what it takes to bring joy to their shareholders in the future.


Commented by Armin Schulz on August 15th, 2022 | 11:48 CEST

Rheinmetall, Kleos Space, Palantir - Is the Ukraine war spreading?

  • Space
  • Defense
  • Technology

On July 27, the NATO Defense College presented a report warning of an attack by Russia on a NATO ally. According to the report, Russia could establish a military buffer zone. Initially, this would primarily affect countries of the former Soviet Union, first and foremost Moldova. In addition, analysts assume that Russia has not yet demonstrated its full military strength in Ukraine and can also quickly compensate for current losses. If the assumptions are correct, the war will continue for a while. We therefore take a look at three companies that should benefit.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on August 9th, 2022 | 12:36 CEST

Buy after the price slide? Tocvan Ventures, Palantir, Bayer

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Technology
  • Investments

The stock markets have continued to move upwards since their lows in mid-June, with the DAX easily breaking the 13,600 mark. The precious metals and crypto markets also look sunnier in the hot August. One reason for the good mood, in addition to the pleasant temperatures, is the positive course of the reporting season for the second quarter. Still, there are outliers to the downside that represent a potential long-term buying opportunity despite below-forecast numbers.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on July 27th, 2022 | 10:37 CEST

Lufthansa, Kleos Space, Palantir - Shares about to take off

  • Space
  • travel
  • Investments

Currently, most investors are on edge. The uncertainties on a geopolitical and economic level are increasing - a never-ending conflict in Ukraine, fears of an impending global recession and inflation data at record levels. In addition, the next wave of the Corona pandemic is supposedly just around the corner. Nevertheless, after the sharp correction of the past months, there are interesting entry opportunities at discounted levels.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on June 27th, 2022 | 12:12 CEST

BrainChip and Palantir with strong rebound - How does BioNTech react?

  • chips
  • Technology
  • Biotechnology

The correction on the stock markets has been going on for months. Technology stocks, in particular, have been hit hard. Due to the end of the ultra-loose monetary policy and possible larger interest rate steps, even market leaders lost more than 80% of their ground in some cases. Whether interest rate hikes can be implemented as planned in the coming months, on the other hand, appears more than questionable. After all, the spectre of recession is already hovering over the capital markets. Moreover, the historical debt levels of several countries are likely to rule out further interest rate hikes.
