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Commented by Armin Schulz on May 27th, 2024 | 07:15 CEST

Royal Helium, Rheinmetall, AMD - High-tech shares fly only with helium

  • Helium
  • Defense
  • hightech

On the stock market, certain sectors are in the spotlight when it comes to impressive growth rates and innovative technologies. One of these sectors is undoubtedly high-tech shares. Among the many components that are crucial to the success of these companies, there is one resource that is often overlooked but nevertheless central: helium. This inconspicuous noble gas plays an indispensable role in the manufacture and development of numerous high-tech products. From semiconductors and medical devices to defense technologies, helium enables precise and efficient processes that would otherwise be impossible. Without this valuable resource, many technological innovations would not be able to reach their full potential, and some stocks would falter.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 11th, 2024 | 07:00 CET

Bitcoin USD 70,000 - High-tech and artificial intelligence - a perennial favorite! Nvidia, Defense Metals, AMD and Super Micro Computer

  • Mining
  • RareEarths
  • hightech
  • AI
  • crypto

It happened over the weekend: USD 70,000 - and no end in sight for Bitcoin? A never-ending rally seems to be taking its course after the cryptocurrency turned upwards at USD 25,000 last September. Will the upswing continue unabated? Due to the upcoming halving in April, this could continue for a few more weeks, with the crypto following growing daily. Suppliers in the high-tech sector are riding the same wave: fast computers, graphics cards, big data and artificial intelligence. Almost infinite growth is expected behind these megatrends. However, valuations are already very advanced. Where are the opportunities for newcomers now?


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on January 24th, 2024 | 07:30 CET

Amazon, Globex Mining, AMD shares: Commodities on the upswing due to AI and E-commerce boom

  • Mining
  • Commodities
  • Technology
  • hightech

Anyone browsing through product descriptions on the Amazon platform in search of the best tool will soon be able to look forward to a new lease of life thanks to artificial intelligence. Amazon is currently testing chats with regenerative AI that answer product-related questions. This requires chip manufacturers such as AMD, which - freshly presented at the CES a few days ago - are now competing with Nvidia's AI GPUs. The increasing demand and growing acceptance of AI is putting commodity exploration companies such as Globex Mining on the radar of investors. Both e-commerce and AI platforms work with rare earths, precious metals and other valuable raw materials, processed in the latest cloud technology and their data centers. Find out where an investment can be worthwhile here.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 23rd, 2024 | 06:30 CET

Hydrogen sell-off: Invest now in high-tech blockbusters! Nel ASA, Defense Metals, AMD, Rheinmetall

  • Mining
  • Hydrogen
  • RareEarths
  • armaments

Two important trends are emerging after 3 trading weeks on the stock market in 2024. The hydrogen sector is experiencing the long-awaited sell-off, while AI-related high-tech stocks are making new highs every day. Last week, the NASDAQ 100 Index reached a new all-time high of 17,340 points. Stocks such as Microsoft, Nvidia, Supermicro and AMD are moving upward daily with massive turnover. As chips also require a lot of strategic metals, the rare earth region of Wicheeda in Canada has also attracted media attention. As a result, the explorer Defense Metals has seen a significant increase in stock market turnover. No surprise: industrialized countries are looking for safe countries of origin for indispensable metals. Where are the opportunities for investors?


Commented by Nico Popp on June 6th, 2023 | 07:00 CEST

AI hype - Keep a cool head now: NVIDIA, AMD, Altech Advanced Materials

  • Technology
  • Software
  • AI
  • Batteries

Chip stocks are all the rage on the market! The triumph of artificial intelligence (AI) has fuelled their demand. The idea is that the more AI we use worldwide and in everyday life, the more computing power is needed. But is it even worth getting in now? And are the obvious investments always the best? We highlight three of the most exciting AI stocks and take a look at a revolution that only insiders have been celebrating so far.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on May 5th, 2023 | 08:05 CEST

Star Navigation Systems, AMD, Freyr Battery: Where high-tech stocks are shaping the future

  • Digitization
  • Batteries
  • AI
  • hightech

This week, there was unrest over the Russian presidential palace in Moscow as two drones reportedly violated the airspace. This makes the monitoring and optimization of airspace even more critical. High-tech companies such as Star Navigation Systems are taking action precisely where Moscow seems to be cutting corners a little too much. Thanks to modern technology, real-time data can be analyzed, and responses can be made accordingly. High-tech also requires the necessary chip and cloud technologies. Investors were thus able to follow AMD's first results this year with excitement. Are they really ahead of their competitor NVIDIA? The latter company finds its use in the new partnership between FREYR Battery and Siemens.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on February 3rd, 2023 | 12:58 CET

Booming energy supply & AI with GoviEx, AMD and Meta Materials

  • Mining
  • uranium
  • GreenTech
  • chips

The EU Parliament has included gas and nuclear power as "transitional activities" in the list of green technologies that accelerate the transition to climate neutrality. Demand for uranium continues unabated worldwide. Explorer company GoviEx is filling the gap through its exploration activities for uranium at two renowned sites. Those interested in learning more can ask CEO Daniel Major about it on February 15. The expansion of a stable energy supply and simultaneous CO2 reduction is also a big topic for semiconductor manufacturer AMD. ChatGPT is on everyone's lips and is only the beginning of an AI boom that will require chip technology at universities and data centers, for example. Zuckerberg is also using AI to expand his metaverse. He plans to use artificial intelligence to explore green energy options further.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on November 3rd, 2022 | 11:53 CET

TeamViewer, Tocvan Ventures, Advanced Micro Devices - High rebound opportunities

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Technology

The reporting season for the third quarter is exhilarating. It can be seen that stocks, which in some cases suffered exaggerated price losses in recent months, are starting to jump in price simply because their forecasts have been confirmed. Something similar could also happen in the precious metals sector. Should the monetary authorities loosen the monetary policy again in the coming months, this should result in a rally in gold and silver mining stocks.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on August 4th, 2022 | 12:52 CEST

Manuka, BYD, AMD - These companies stand for sustainable, strategically planned growth

  • Mining
  • Electromobility
  • iron

With a share of 4.7%, iron is the tenth most common element in our universe and one of the most common on our planet. In industry, the raw material is in hot demand. The Australian Company Manuka has recognized this and acquired a strategically valuable project, which can profitably supply the explorer for the next 20 years. One customer for iron is the automotive industry. BYD will start selling its cars in Germany and Sweden this year. In contrast to the competition from VW and Volvo, the Chinese carmaker has installed enough semiconductors in its mobiles. AMD is also benefiting from this. The chipmaker saw sales growth in its embedded division, which includes semiconductors for cars. AMD's earnings call for the quarter showed a clear trend of where the growth is happening...


Commented by Armin Schulz on February 9th, 2022 | 13:42 CET

Infineon, BrainChip, AMD - Chip industry holds enormous potential

  • Technology

The chip industry is not even close to keeping up with production, which will remain the case in 2022. Overall, the industry's revenues increased by about 25%, partly due to manufacturers' price increases. To meet demand, companies are investing in their production facilities. Micron plans to invest USD 150 billion, Intel USD 20 billion. Due to the new developments in electric vehicles, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and the continuously growing data centers, demand will also likely increase further in the coming years. We, therefore, take a look at three chipmakers.
