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Commented by Juliane Zielonka on January 3rd, 2023 | 08:38 CET

Desert Gold Ventures, Amazon, Volkswagen - Commodities in hot demand, while big tech and Automotive in a nosedive

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • bigtech
  • Automotive

The new stock market year is starting with a strong pole position for commodities and companies like Desert Gold Ventures, which is looking for gold in Mali. Mali is the third-largest gold-producing country in the world. Desert Gold Ventures' 'SMSZ Project' already surrounds 6 active gold mines, and drilling for 2023 is secured. Things remain shaky for big tech companies like Amazon and automotive like Volkswagen. Can the past Christmas sales bring Amazon's once largest pillar back into the black? Will the Wolfsburg-based company recapture its market power through restructuring in procurement?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 29th, 2022 | 08:37 CET

200% possible at ThyssenKrupp and Tocvan Ventures, and question marks at VW and BASF

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Electromobility
  • Energy

As we approach the end of the year, it is difficult to separate the real economic opportunities from the current war and crisis scenarios. The forecasting institutes are also poking around in the fog with their statements for 2023, with a still conciliatory economic development at the zero line being defined subject to falling interest rates and declining inflation. Under the sword of Damocles of a possible gas crisis starting in March, however, all predictions turn negative because Germany as an industrial location is already struggling considerably with the energy and electricity price increases. So how do you select a top performer for the portfolio?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 23rd, 2022 | 07:55 CET

Is the e-mobility gold rush coming to an end? Volkswagen, BYD, Alerio Gold, Deutsche Bank - What is going on with Tesla?

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Electromobility
  • Investments

Elon Musk had a calculated fortune of around USD 280 billion at the peak of the Tesla share. After the crash of the miracle share and the purchase of Twitter, he is now said to own around USD 150 billion less. According to calculations by the analysis firm Factset, Musk still holds around 14% of the shares in electric car manufacturer Tesla. Here alone, there is a gaping loss of over USD 100 billion. New at the world's top for the first time is a Frenchman: Bernard Arnault, the 73-year-old CEO and co-owner of the luxury group LVMH. According to the US magazine Forbes, he has a total fortune of USD 186 billion - and thus passes Musk and Buffet. Has the "climate wonder weapon" electromobility already seen its horizon?


Commented by Armin Schulz on December 21st, 2022 | 07:14 CET

Kodiak Copper, Volkswagen, Nordex - Copper price rises due to positive news from China!

  • Mining
  • Copper
  • Electromobility

In mid-July, the copper price marked its low for the year. Since then, a slight upward trend has formed, indicating a robust economy. There are as many as three positive signals for copper. First, there is the weakness of the dollar, which is supporting demand for the red gold. Second, China's announcement that it plans to strengthen its economy after easing Corona measures is providing a boost. If China eases its monetary policy, this would strengthen the real estate sector and fuel the hunger for commodities. Third, M&A activity around copper appears to be increasing. Therefore, we look at three companies in the copper space.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on December 15th, 2022 | 10:42 CET

Manuka Resources, Volkswagen, Mercedes Benz - Strong demand for resources for electromobility

  • Mining
  • PreciousMetals
  • RareEarths
  • Electromobility

A major restructuring is taking place at Volkswagen. The new chief designer will be Michael Mauer, who was previously responsible for the design of Porsche. The Wolfsburg company has big plans and wants to become the No. 1 EV manufacturer in Australia. It is precisely in this country that Manuka Resources mines the essential metals for the energy transition. From gold and silver to vanadium, the Company offers value chains from which investors focusing on renewable energies can benefit. Mercedes Benz, the big flagship from Stuttgart, also relies on renewable energies and is massively expanding its battery production sites.


Commented by Nico Popp on December 7th, 2022 | 09:45 CET

Volkswagen, Altech Advanced Materials, NIO: Where does the starting signal come from?

  • GreenTech

The whole world is currently investing in renewable energy and storage solutions. Germany, in particular, is considered a pioneer when it comes to promoting environmentally friendly energy sources. However, it looks as if other regions, such as Asia and North America, are overtaking Europe. We look at what the current situation means for investors and which companies can profit regardless of the situation in Germany.


Commented by Nico Popp on October 5th, 2022 | 10:58 CEST

Do not miss this train! Volkswagen, Varta, Infinity Stone Ventures

  • Mining
  • Lithium
  • Electromobility

After the sell-off and crisis mood, the first investors are looking to the distant future. Now that the market has already priced in a recession and the energy crisis also seems to be largely represented in share prices, it is worth looking at the sectors that offer opportunities in any future. Car manufacturers and mobility providers remain attractive regardless of the current market situation. The reason: mobility is the key to prosperity and well-being. Just think of journeys to work or on vacation. The mobility of the future will be electric. Positioning oneself here makes sense. We take a look at three shares that are currently in focus.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on July 21st, 2022 | 11:29 CEST

dynaCERT, Mercedes-Benz Group, Volkswagen - Luxury shopping, retro branding and applicable green technology

  • Hydrogen
  • Innovations
  • Electromobility

The future of automotive is characterized by emission-free drives. Soon, the Mercedes will become a payment device through fingerprint technology in the car. It will be the first automotive company in the world to embed a Visa cloud token framework in its vehicles. Competitor Volkswagen, on the other hand, is focusing on retro branding and strengthening its US business with its own fully electric pickup brand. Meanwhile, dynaCERT offers applicable technology for diesel engines of all types for sustainable greenhouse gas reductions. Investors will find out how far the Company has come with its development in September at the IAA in Hanover.


Commented by Nico Popp on February 21st, 2022 | 15:50 CET

Daimler, Yorkton Ventures, Volkswagen: Is the lithium takeover merry-go-round about to start?

  • Lithium

When Tesla knocks on the door, you don't keep your guest waiting long, even if the visit is spontaneous. Usually, the e-car maker brings solid plans and the necessary means to implement them. That is what happened recently with Liontown Resources. The small Australian Company plans to start commercial production by 2025. Tesla wants to get its foot in the door today and has worked out an agreement that allows for a flexible order volume, depending on how much lithium-spodumene concentrate Liontown can deliver. The deal shows even small lithium companies are in the sights of the big players. We present three stocks that could also fit the picture.
