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Commented by Mario Hose on May 26th, 2020 | 07:43 CEST

BioNTech, Evotec, XPhyto - will the next rally start?

  • Healthcare

Germany's leading index DAX closed the previous day at 11,391 points, its highest level since March 2020. At the beginning of the week the index of the 30 largest German companies gained 317 points compared to Friday, representing a gain of 2.87%. In the USA Wall Street remained closed on Monday due to the Memorial Day. As is well known, the stock market is where the future is traded and for this reason investors are already investing in the prospects of companies in the period following the Corona Pandemic. A rally has begun.


Commented by Mario Hose on May 5th, 2020 | 08:33 CEST

Evotec, Medigene, Memphasys - the right investment timing

  • Medical

The health sector has been in the focus of investors not only since the outbreak of the corona pandemic. The pursuit of a healthy and long life is the motivation for research and development around the globe. In addition to Europe and the USA, Australia as a continent is also a location for ideas and innovations. Investors usually always ask the same questions. How expensive and how long does it take to develop the drug or solution and how big is the market. The bigger the problem or need to be treated, the more lucrative it is.


Commented by Mario Hose on April 15th, 2020 | 08:10 CEST

BioNTech, Evotec, EXMceuticals - Stocks with potential

  • Health

Health is the most important thing in life. The current protective measures around the globe in connection with the spread of the Corona Virus Covid-19 show how great the fear and helplessness is. Above all, this pandemic has highlighted the extent of the global dependence on China as a supplier of medicines or medical ingredients and protective clothing. Supply chains will get shorter. Individuals and societies will be more focused on health and wellness. In view of the time after the current Corona Crisis it is expected that politics and the economy will reorganize and reposition themselves.


Commented by Mario Hose on January 17th, 2020 | 13:37 CET

Evotec, Memphasys, MorphoSys - Growth Industry Health

  • Health

He who is healthy has many desires, he who is ill only one. Companies around the globe deal with diseases and special features of nature in order to treat or cure them. In addition to the widespread disease of cancer, there are also topics that are less talked about, but are also a big market. Developments can be of great importance for investors, physicians and the people affected. It can therefore be worthwhile to deal with the variety of topics.
