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Commented by Fabian Lorenz on November 30th, 2022 | 13:31 CET

Biotech stocks in focus: Morphosys, Evotec, Bayer, BioNxt Solutions

  • Biotechnology
  • Cancer
  • Investments

Biotech stocks have struggled in 2022. In Germany, BioNTech has overtaken the previous heavyweights Morphosys and Evotec in record time. Morphosys shocked investors with data on its Alzheimer's hope. Analysts lowered their thumbs, and short-sellers discovered the stock for themselves. Evotec has been quiet this year. Analysts think the valuation is attractive, but meeting earnings guidance in the current year is not a given. BioNxt shares have jumped recently, and if the positive newsflow continues into 2023, a re-rating is possible. At Bayer, the pharmaceuticals division is also developing positively. Conclusion: investors should position themselves for the biotech year 2023.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on November 21st, 2022 | 11:07 CET

Morphosys, Defence Therapeutics, Evotec - Stabilization after the sell-off

  • Biotechnology
  • Investments

After the publication of the figures for the third quarter, many biotech companies were able to surprise positively. Due to the partly panic-like sell-off in this capital-intensive sector, there are attractive entry opportunities at a strongly discounted level, which should pay off with disproportionate price gains in the long term. The fact that promising companies are already trading below their cash levels shows that the panic is exaggerated. There are currently signs of a bottoming out, which could herald the next upward wave.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on October 26th, 2022 | 11:28 CEST

Biogen, Cardiol Therapeutics, Evotec - Brilliant results

  • Biotechnology

The reporting season for the third quarter is in full swing and is creating a thoroughly positive mood. For example, the software group SAP posted surprisingly strong growth in its cloud business in the third quarter, and its operating result was better than forecast. Positive signals are also coming from the biotech sector, which has been badly battered in recent months. After the horrendous share price losses, this sector, in particular, offers attractive long-term entry levels.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on September 27th, 2022 | 11:45 CEST

Evotec, Defence Therapeutics, Formycon - Biotech opportunity!

  • Biotechnology

Due to the stricter monetary policy of the central banks and inflation concerns, the capital-intensive biotech sector is also suffering. The NASDAQ Biotechnology Index has lost almost a quarter of its value since the beginning of the stock market year. In addition, the number of companies trading even below their cash levels is higher than ever. At the same time, as can be seen with vaccine manufacturers, the industry is becoming increasingly important in everyday life. Especially in cancer research, some companies have the opportunity to multiply in the coming years based on their product pipeline.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on June 16th, 2022 | 11:01 CEST

Biotech stocks ahead of the turnaround - Evotec, NervGen and MorphoSys

  • Biotechnology

Biotechnology stocks could not escape the current correction. The broad-based NASDAQ Biotechnology Index, for example, has lost around 40% since its peak last August. The fact that biotechnology will increasingly become a key technology in the future was already demonstrated during the Corona pandemic when tests, vaccines and drugs were developed in a very short time and made available in large quantities. Thus, more and more capital is likely to move into the sector in the coming years, with great opportunities for the individual companies.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on June 1st, 2022 | 14:03 CEST

After the slump in biotech stocks - Bavarian Nordic, XPhyto and Evotec under review

  • Biotechnology
  • Monkeypox

Biotechnology experienced a boom in March 2020, when the world realized what biotech innovations could do to fight COVID-19. Investors pounced on the many promising technologies, driving up the stock prices of vaccine producers and making it easier for companies to raise capital for financing. However, since September of last year, the biotech sector has been on a steep downhill slide, at least on the stock market. The NASDAQ Biotechnology Index has lost more than 30% of its value since its high of 5,449.26 points until today. This drastic decline is reminiscent of the bursting of the bubble in the year 2000. But where are the opportunities now, and which stocks should investors rather refrain from investing in?


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on January 20th, 2022 | 12:14 CET

Evotec, Defence Therapeutics, Formycon - Who will benefit from Omicron?

  • Biotechnology

The Coronavirus has shown that without biotechnology and ongoing research, we are relatively defenseless against the whims of nature. What would have happened if novel technology had not been available to produce potent vaccines in a very short time? Would our intensive care units have been as crowded as they were in Italy at the beginning of the pandemic? Would hospital triage be the norm today? No one can say for sure, but history has shown how epidemics - such as the Spanish flu - have claimed many lives in the past.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on August 16th, 2021 | 11:20 CEST

Defence Therapeutics, Moderna, Evotec - Bet on the front-runners!

  • Biotechnology

Health is our most important asset. Biotech companies that protect it save not only human lives but also reap high profits. The price development of many biotech stocks over the past few months has been breathtaking. Investors are advised to focus on the frontrunners, as the market position gained as a first mover, the leadership position in a niche or innovative solution, will enable the companies to keep their competitors at bay for a long time to come.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on August 12th, 2021 | 13:42 CEST

ThyssenKrupp, Triumph Gold, Evotec - Growth before inflation

  • Gold

After the disastrous Corona year 2020 filled with profit slumps, the economy is coming back to life. The quarterly figures currently being reported indicate rising returns once again and thus an end to the dry spell. However, the inflation rate is also rising enormously; in Germany, it jumped to its highest level in almost 30 years, according to the Federal Statistical Office. Growth and job creation take precedence over price stability - a dangerous undertaking for the future. The central banks are being challenged.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on August 4th, 2021 | 12:21 CEST

Evotec, Barsele Minerals, Nikola - When will the starting signal follow?

  • Gold

It has become quiet on the gold market. After the emerging fears of possible interest rate hikes due to rising inflation, the precious yellow metal remains in the range of around USD 1,800 per ounce. The price should be significantly higher due to the continued ultra-loose monetary policy of the central banks and the highs in government debt. Given that a slowdown in bond purchases or even larger interest rate hikes is hardly possible, a rise in the gold price can barely be avoided in the long term. The opportunity for an anticyclical entry is still given.
