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Commented by Nico Popp on April 11th, 2022 | 18:58 CEST

New hydrogen fantasy: NEL, First Hydrogen, Amazon

  • Hydrogen

Electromobility is on the rise. In terms of new registrations, Germany's share of pure electric cars was 6.7% last year. Rising fuel prices are likely to help accelerate growth even further. But hydrogen is not out of the race yet, either. Fuel cells, especially for larger vehicles, such as trucks or delivery vans, could be an alternative - fast refueling and independence from charging structures are arguments in their favor. We present three stocks that have hydrogen fantasy.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on April 6th, 2022 | 10:28 CEST

BASF, First Hydrogen, Nel - These developments are crucial!

  • Hydrogen

A functioning energy supply influences the prosperity of society and our everyday lives. Security of supply and "affordable" energy prices currently present major challenges. Renewable energies are expected to provide most electricity and energy consumption within the next decades. Green hydrogen is also likely to play an important role. However, high oil and gas prices are placing an enormous burden on consumers and industry in the short term. Inflation continues to grow. How can investors position themselves?


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on March 31st, 2022 | 12:31 CEST

Is the gas dispute escalating? What are Nel, RWE and First Hydrogen doing?

  • Hydrogen

Germany is preparing for a possible gas shortage with an "early warning" phase. Yesterday, Economics Minister Robert Habeck activated the early warning phase of the so-called Gas Emergency Plan due to a possible deterioration in the supply situation and put together a crisis team. Habeck: "There are currently no supply bottlenecks. Nevertheless, we must increase preventative measures to be prepared in the event of an escalation by Russia." The background to this is Russia's announcement that it will only accept rubles for gas deliveries in the future. Once again, this highlights the urgent need for Germany to become independent of Russian gas supplies. Companies such as the utility RWE and the hydrogen specialists Nel and First Hydrogen are providing support on this path. The shares offer interesting opportunities.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 21st, 2022 | 12:13 CET

BYD, First Hydrogen, Continental - Hydrogen and e-mobility: Shares with huge potential

  • Hydrogen
  • Electromobility

Germany must become more independent in terms of energy supply in the future. The war between Russia and Ukraine in the middle of Europe ruthlessly demonstrates how much the Federal Republic of Germany is at the mercy of fossil fuels. Now, at the latest, it should be apparent to every skeptic that the expansion of renewable energies and the transformation in the transport sector must proceed all the more quickly. The opportunities for the companies involved are enormous.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on March 8th, 2022 | 13:30 CET

First Hydrogen, Tesla, Toyota - Hydrogen leads the way in logistics

  • Hydrogen

For today's International Women's Day, we look at the discoverers of hydrogen sources. There are virtually no climate-damaging emissions where hydrogen is already being used as a form of propulsion today. First Hydrogen is a company that has chosen hydrogen-powered logistics vans as its niche to bring providers like Amazon and UPS up to speed. Things are finally getting mobile at the Gigafactory just outside Berlin, as Elon Musk gets the green light for the start-up. Meanwhile, Toyota's assembly line is at a standstill due to a cyberattack. The Japanese carmaker is also struggling with an emissions scandal involving a subsidiary.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 28th, 2022 | 11:10 CET

Russia crisis: Plug Power, Nel ASA, First Hydrogen - Which hydrogen stock to buy now?

  • Hydrogen
  • GreenTech

Buy when the guns are thundering! This stock market wisdom has worked many times before. This time, the chances for a discussion in favor of "alternative energy sources" are excellent because the Russian crisis shows Europe's staggering dependence on fossil fuel energy supply. One of the main suppliers has historically been Russia, and there are virtually no alternatives, especially for the critical natural gas. To avoid getting into a supply bottleneck, the possibilities for extended EU sanctions against Putin are thus also limited. However, the traffic light coalition is unanimous: The development in the direction of hydrogen must get going now to finally get Europe's climate strategy and energy turnaround on track! Here is an overview of the best-positioned titles!


Commented by Armin Schulz on February 18th, 2022 | 09:42 CET

Nel ASA, First Hydrogen, Plug Power - Hydrogen facing new hype?

  • Hydrogen

In January 2021, the sky was full of violins for the shareholders of hydrogen shares. But shortly after, disillusionment set in, and anyone who jumped on the bandwagon too late is still suffering massive price losses today if they didn't get out in time. Since the end of fossil fuels is a done deal, the industry and the transport sector need an alternative. The German government sees green hydrogen as an essential building block for the energy transition in the future. For this reason, the National Hydrogen Strategy was launched and endowed with EUR 9 billion. There is also support for companies in other countries. Today we look at three companies in the hydrogen sector.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 9th, 2022 | 14:12 CET

Nel ASA, First Hydrogen, Nordex - Hydrogen with tailwind, storm at Nordex!

  • Hydrogen

Germany's path to climate neutrality is mapped out in the Climate Protection Act. With a tightening, the goal of greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045 is currently being targeted. This goal is to be achieved with the help of renewable energies such as wind power and photovoltaics. The transport sector poses a particular challenge. Here, CO2 emissions have risen over the past two decades despite the development of more efficient vehicles. While batteries are likely to prevail in passenger cars, hydrogen and fuel cell technology is considered the favorite in transportation due to higher ranges and shorter refueling times.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 13th, 2022 | 11:03 CET

Bayer, First Hydrogen, NEL: This is how innovative investing works!

  • Hydrogen

Innovation pays off - especially on the stock market. That is because innovative products generate price fantasy, which can generate rich returns on the stock market within a very short period of time. In addition to classic trend themes, such as hydrogen, established companies can also score with innovations. We present three stocks and explain whether they offer opportunities or not.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 4th, 2022 | 11:30 CET

Nel, Plug Power, First Hydrogen, FuelCell Energy - Hydrogen versus Tesla!

  • Hydrogen

The year 2021 must be defined as the real dawn of electric mobility. Worldwide, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of electric vehicles sold. According to Statista, the shares of the total German passenger car population in 2021 rose to no less than 1.22% of registered vehicles. 3 years earlier, it was only 0.25%. There has been real movement in the new registration figures, with the share of hybrid and purely electric vehicles now at 6.9% and 6.7%, respectively. Therefore, the number of e-vehicles will gradually increase, as every 16th newly registered vehicle no longer has an internal combustion engine. However, after the 2021 climate conference in Glasgow, there was another political commitment to a progressive technology: hydrogen propulsion!
