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Commented by Mario Hose on August 3rd, 2020 | 07:53 CEST

Ballard Power, NEL ASA, Desert Gold - why we will see panic

  • Gold

In the past two years, the shares of listed hydrogen companies have risen significantly due to a lack of alternatives. A new eco-system with hydrogen as an energy carrier is being created worldwide and, as part of the development process, suppliers from all parts of the world are positioning themselves - around the globe. Some of these companies already have a long history and can now enjoy state-subsidized success. Political measures and the increase in the money supply, by the central banks, are creating a boom in demand in another sector, which only a few investors have focused on so far - the discovery of gold reserves. The flight from money is driving the demand for physical gold to historic highs and an end is not in sight due to the threat of a second wave of corona contagion. The major producers have already seen their gold reserves shrink by 34% since 2012 and it is feared that the annual production volume will fall from 118 million ounces in 2020 to below 65 million ounces in 2029. A takeover wave in the exploration sector is a logical consequence.


Commented by Mario Hose on July 28th, 2020 | 07:55 CEST

Desert Gold, NetCents, SolGold, Triumph Gold - the big push is yet to come

  • Gold

Since the beginning of 2017, Bitcoin has been trading at over USD 1,000.00 and the establishment of this psychological mark has been celebrated by the crypto community as a historic breakthrough of a new system. A system that will continue to exist as an alternative to fiat money and as a new currency. The main argument for the Bitcoin was and still is that the number is finite. During 2017, more and more people became interested in the digital currency and the price escalated to USD 19,738.00. Even gold, as the oldest currency in the world, is almost finite, because it cannot be printed and must be found and mined at great expense. Since the beginning of the week, the price of gold has been trading at a historical level of around USD 1,940.00 and the question arises as to how much further the value of the precious metal can increase.


Commented by Mario Hose on July 22nd, 2020 | 11:03 CEST

Barrick Gold, Desert Gold Ventures, Triumph Gold - the gold boom has begun

  • Gold

The price of gold has been rising for more than a year and there is no end in sight. As long as the central banks print money to cure the problems of the Corona Pandemic, the flight from money will continue and investors will exchange paper for gold or other tangible assets. If you have no plans today, then you should think about investing in gold. If you already have a busy schedule, then you should take the time. Don't put yourself in the position of being annoyed at not having traded after these lines when the price reaches USD 2,000.00 and above.


Commented by Mario Hose on July 20th, 2020 | 08:22 CEST

Barrick Gold, Desert Gold, Yamana Gold - the Gold Rush has begun

  • Gold

Gold is money. Geologists of explorers, engineers of developers and the miners of producers - all are involved in bringing the world's oldest currency to us. The precious metal is also in demand in the modern society of the 21st century, and for a significant reason: gold cannot be printed and is therefore essentially different from the so-called fiat currency of central banks. Central banks around the world are currently printing money on a large scale to provide the general public with capital to prevent unrest and the collapse of the rest of the economy.


Commented by Mario Hose on July 16th, 2020 | 12:05 CEST

Desert Gold, Scottie Resources, Triumph Gold - Fund manager explains gold price at USD 5,000

  • Gold

Central banks around the world are currently printing more money than ever before in connection with the Corona Pandemic to keep the rest of the economy afloat and maintain social peace. The short-time work allowance is equivalent to an unconditional basic income, and given the alternatives, that is a good thing at the moment. The danger, however, is that an addiction to cheap money will arise and the bubble in the shares of Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google (Alphabet) and Microsoft will continue to escalate. The value of these six US companies is now almost equal to the combined market value of the following indices: DAX, France CAC, FTSE 100, Italy MIB, S&P TSX and Spain IBEX. But the winner of this development is also the oldest currency in the world: gold!


Commented by Mario Hose on July 13th, 2020 | 11:00 CEST

Desert Gold, Tesla, wallstreet:online - high share price gains through scalability

  • Scalability

Investors prefer business models that are scalable. This applies to exploration, electromobility and also in the online world. Access to information and data is the key to success. Tesla shows the way, because the company is not a car manufacturer, but a technology company that collects data. It's similar in exploration, and anyone who can prove where gold is, will earn more money in the future than ever before. wallstreet:online has been offering online banking for more than half a year now, which leads to a monetization of the community, with exorbitant opportunities.


Commented by Mario Hose on July 6th, 2020 | 08:48 CEST

Desert Gold, Steinhoff, Wirecard - what investors need to know now

  • Gold

Central banks have been printing more money than ever before since the outbreak of the Corona Pandemic. Those who want to escape from money are buying shares or purchasing physical assets such as real estate or precious metals. Gold is the oldest and most secure currency in the world. The value of bars and coins has been rising since the second quarter of 2019 and is increasingly gaining momentum. In the case of Wirecard, the extra time has begun and the fair value will move towards zero after the insolvency filing. What is now going on at Steinhoff? An exciting week has begun.


Commented by Mario Hose on June 23rd, 2020 | 07:54 CEST

Desert Gold Ventures, First Majestic Silver, K+S - Resources with potential

  • Resources

Many commodities are currently experiencing a price increase. The precious metals gold and silver are in demand above all because central banks and governments are increasing the money supply with their stability actions, thus creating the need for inflation protection. While gold is largely an independent currency, silver is not only an investment object, but is also used industrially. The energy sector has also calmed down and the price of oil is rising. Copper has recovered from its lows in March 2020. Rising prices mean higher margins, now timing is key.


Commented by Mario Hose on June 16th, 2020 | 11:34 CEST

Barrick, Desert Gold, Endeavour Mining - Who benefits from the gold shortage?

  • Gold

The production of gold is expected to reach its historic peak this year and from then on it will go down more or less dramatically. While the production of the largest producers was still below 80 million ounces in 2009, since then it has risen almost linearly to the volume of over 117 million ounces forecast for 2020. In 2029, not even 55% of this quantity is expected to be reached - with consequences for the gold price.


Commented by Mario Hose on May 27th, 2020 | 14:38 CEST

B2Gold, Barrick, Desert Gold Ventures - Gold rush in West Africa

  • Gold

Interest rates in the G20 countries are historically low. Those who have cash in their bank accounts receive low interest rates at best or even have to pay a penalty. This situation will not change in the foreseeable future. On the contrary, the central banks' measures to stop the Corona Pandemic are expected to increase inflation and reduce purchasing power. Gold and shares of companies that participate in the value chain of the precious metal are a classic hedge for wealth and offer protection against slow devaluation.
