Commented by Mario Hose on January 7th, 2020 | 10:42 CET
Ballard Power, dynaCERT, NEL ASA - higher, faster, hydrogen!
The mobility of the future will be a mix of different energy sources. New technologies will make conventional combustion engines even cleaner and more efficient and, where it makes sense for the user, technologies with electronic drive motors will also be used. However, the German government is also attempting to influence the market by subsidising battery cars, a technology that is already being phased out in China. This political actionism from the Chancellor's Office is bypassing the market, and car manufacturers in Germany are noticing this too. A total of 57,533 purely electric cars were registered in 2019 until November - of a total of 3.6 million newly registered passenger cars.
ReadCommented by Mario Hose on December 16th, 2019 | 13:53 CET
Ballard Power, NEL ASA, dynaCERT - one of the largest logisticians increases share
The hydrogen retrofit company dynaCERT announced in a news release that one of the largest European automotive logistics companies, Mosolf SE & CO. AG, supports the market launch of HydraGEN (TM) devices with concrete measures. In addition, CEO Dr. Jörg Mosolf has increased his private stake in dynaCERT to 4 million shares to 1.2% of all outstanding shares and thus follows the Canadian billionaire Eric Sprott, who holds about 10% of the retrofit company.
ReadCommented by Mario Hose on December 5th, 2019 | 13:14 CET
Ballard Power, NEL ASA, Plug Power - and where real money is made today
The change in mobility is one of the most challenging issues of our time. German carmakers are currently focusing on the launch of battery cars in order to meet the increasingly stringent exhaust emission requirements of the European Union. From the user's point of view, electric mobility based on batteries and the idea of several million charging points at the roadsides and parking lots are reminiscent of the days of horse-drawn carriages. But this comparison is not accurate, because horses have not caused environmental damage in other parts of the world. In Germany there is an established network of over 14,000 gas stations and it is no secret that hydrogen takes about the same time to fill up as combustion engines. Why not the hydrogen car now?
ReadCommented by Mario Hose on November 22nd, 2019 | 11:04 CET
Ballard Power, dynaCERT, Enthusiast Gaming - Canadian Companies Conquer the World
Many people around the globe have Canada on their wish list as a destination for a dream trip. At regular intervals, well-known tour operators and travel guides publish the most popular and beautiful destinations in the world and Canada is usually among the top three countries to be found. Beside the ski areas of the Rocky Mountains, the many lakes and rivers as well as great coastal regions, the country has to offer also economically competence. The country also leads the ranking of commodity exporting nations. In addition, numerous successful innovative companies are based in the Canadian metropolises and conquer the world from there.