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Commented by Stefan Feulner on October 14th, 2021 | 07:46 CEST

SAP, Kleos Space, Ballard Power - Igniting like a rocket

  • Investments

The storage and processing of data will be one of the themes of our society for the coming years. Big Data will create scientific advances and innovations, increasing the competitiveness of both science and companies across industries. Already today, innovative startups are working on the processing of larger amounts of data using artificial intelligence. The potential is enormous, the predicted growth rates gigantic.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on September 10th, 2021 | 13:35 CEST

Enapter, NEL, Ballard Power - Hydrogen: This will happen!

  • Hydrogen

If you follow the political discussion in Germany regarding climate and green energy, the debate is almost exclusively about solar and wind power. Electric mobility is the order of the day. But soberly considered, there will and must be a coexistence of several approaches. Hydrogen solutions have received far too little attention. But this technology is urgently needed for the energy transition. The industry is still relatively young, but there is a very good chance that a huge market will emerge in which several companies will be able to operate successfully and profitably. Are these the winners?


Commented by Armin Schulz on August 23rd, 2021 | 13:18 CEST

Plug Power, Enapter, Ballard Power - What is the future of hydrogen?

  • Hydrogen

In the passenger car sector, the battle for hydrogen fuel cells seems lost, as the entire automotive industry is focusing on the production of e-cars. In the commercial vehicle sector, there is still hope for the hydrogen industry. The prerequisite for this, however, is inexpensive hydrogen, and this is not yet available. Promises of subsidies due to climate protection for the hydrogen sector should give a boost, but the extreme overvaluation built up in shares from the hydrogen sector up to the end of January has not yet been completely eroded in some cases. After the FED indicated in its latest minutes that it would abandon its loose monetary policy, uncertainty is spreading among many North American hydrogen companies. Today, we take a look at three hydrogen companies.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on August 6th, 2021 | 10:27 CEST

Pure Extraction, Ballard Power, TotalEnergies - Hydrogen: New Opportunities!

  • Hydrogen

Hydrogen is an excellent alternative to battery-powered vehicles. A hydrogen car can be refueled in less than 5 minutes and still achieve long ranges of 400 to 650 kilometers. The fuel cell generates the electricity for the electric drive on board through the reaction of hydrogen with atmospheric oxygen. The by-products are heat and water, but no local emissions. The technology clearly scores with a high system efficiency of around 60%. The fuel cell is thus a much more efficient drive than a combustion engine, which has an efficiency of only 20 to 30%. We show you how you can benefit from the hydrogen revolution.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 15th, 2021 | 14:46 CEST

Pure Extraction, BallardPower, JinkoSolar, Siemens Energy - The makers of the future!

  • Hydrogen

The most efficient ways to generate energy are being discussed almost daily. With nearly 8 billion people on the planet, we need to put energy-intensive mobility on a viable and sustainable footing. The shift to post-industrial economies and rapid changes in information technologies, for example, have greatly simplified the coordination of work. In terms of jobs, there is potential for greater flexibility and dispersion, according to Eurostat. The relationship between home and workplace is being redefined. Mobility and energy concepts that adapt to the new forms of work and production are therefore in demand.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on July 1st, 2021 | 12:11 CEST

Pure Extraction, Ballard Power, SFC Energy - H2 mobility for commercial vehicles: These are the winners!

  • Hydrogen

The advance of e-mobility associated with the energy transition and the need to decarbonize the economy does not stop at the commercial vehicle segment. However, the battery technology currently gaining acceptance in this sector has decisive disadvantages: it is expensive, has a heavy weight, and charging is time-consuming. For this reason, alternatives are feverishly being sought. Can hydrogen fill this gap? In contrast to suppliers like BYD, who focus primarily on battery mobility, the following companies concentrate fully on hydrogen technology. Who is in the running?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 29th, 2021 | 11:47 CEST

Varta, JinkoSolar, Ballard Power, Sierra Growth - Energy technology on the test bench

  • Copper

What will mobility look like in 10 years? Will we all be riding bicycles because climate regulations make it impossible to move around using electricity or fossil fuels? Or are there still revolutionary developments that go beyond the battery as a universal remedy? Germany continues to experience an energy shortage because we buy cheap nuclear power from abroad. That is how things can go when a messed-up energy policy is associated with climate protection goals. No matter how things go, the world needs copper for modern technologies, and this raw material is in short supply.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on June 23rd, 2021 | 11:28 CEST

Standard Lithium, Osino Resources, Ballard Power - These stocks are going through the roof

  • Gold

When German investors think of Canadian stocks, two topics usually come to mind: commodities and cannabis. Many companies from these two sectors are headquartered in one of the Canadian cities of Montreal, Vancouver or Toronto. The Canadian stock market accounts for 5% of the world's stock market capitalization, while the country holds only 0.5% of the world's population. But there are also interesting investments outside the two sectors mentioned. So who makes the race?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on June 16th, 2021 | 12:21 CEST

Nel ASA, Pure Extraction Corp., Ballard Power - Advantage hydrogen!

  • Hydrogen

While the stock market darlings of the past year, hydrogen shares, are still working on their chart-technical bottoming phases after heavy price losses in the spring, the topic is at the center of political attention concerning the energy turnaround. According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, hydrogen is the missing piece of the puzzle so that climate protection can succeed in industry and the economy remains competitive at the same time. This week alone, the federal government released EUR 1 billion in funding for six hydrogen projects in Bavaria.


Commented by Armin Schulz on May 19th, 2021 | 10:41 CEST

Nikola, dynaCERT, Ballard Power - Hydrogen market facing a turnaround?

  • Hydrogen

Until mid-January, the shares of hydrogen companies knew only one direction, and that was steeply upwards. With just one or two negative news pieces, such as the balance sheet adjustments at Plug Power, and the prices went into a downward spiral. The environment could hardly be better. The US and Europe want to invest more in the hydrogen sector to achieve their ambitious climate targets. There are many applications for hydrogen, such as making energy storable and transportable and using fuel cells for propulsion. Today we take a look at three stocks in this sector.
