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Nico Popp

  • Small-Caps

At home in Southern Germany, the passionate stock exchange expert has been accompanying the capital markets for about twenty years. With a soft spot for smaller companies, he is constantly on the lookout for exciting investment stories. That it depends thereby less on large names, but on the future potential and whether the market also recognizes these perspectives, was one of its first learnings at the stock exchange.

On these pages, Nico examines current events at listed companies and takes a closer look at companies that are traded under the radar of the market, in addition to well-known securities.

In order to be able to take advantage of speculative opportunities on the stock exchange, Nico not only focuses on a balanced asset allocation of defensive and opportunity-oriented securities, but also on an intact risk management. "In addition to position size and entry in several tranches, investors should also develop a sense of timing and get to know a stock better before investing," says the columnist.

Commented by Nico Popp

Commented by Nico Popp on November 23rd, 2021 | 11:19 CET

Bayer, Ayurcann Holdings, Valneva: Three shares, three decisions


The pandemic is dominating the headlines again. For months, investors and the economy believed that lockdowns would never happen again - after all, we had the vaccine. But now Saxony and Bavaria are back on lockdown course. The laws of mathematics suggest that soon other German states will also have to tighten the reins - with all the negative consequences. Shares in the healthcare sector receive special attention in such market phases. We present three representatives.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 23rd, 2021 | 10:12 CET

Nordex, Memiontec, JinkoSolar: Where sustainable returns await

  • Sustainability

The motto "After me, the deluge" has had its day. Today, industrial companies have to take responsibility for their actions. That includes cleaning up pollution and offsetting CO2 emissions from production. Hence the trade in emission rights. It is also favorable for a company's image if it is sustainable and communicates this to its customers. We present three stocks that can score points with sustainability.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 22nd, 2021 | 12:50 CET

Amazon, Desert Gold, Deutsche Telekom: First movers are rewarded

  • Gold

Is it Christmas again? History is currently repeating itself: incidences are rising, Austria is going into lockdown, and German investors are gearing up for a form of contemplation that no one had expected after the vaccination successes in the summer. But life with a home office and delivery services also has advantages for passionate investors: There is plenty of time to take care of one's finances. Investors can profit since the market does not yet attach much importance to the dangers of inflation and the major central banks' ignorance of inflation. We present three stocks for long home office days.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 19th, 2021 | 10:55 CET

NEL, Enapter, Plug Power: Where does the music play for hydrogen?

  • Hydrogen

Hydrogen is an essential pillar of the climate turnaround - after all, hydrogen as an energy carrier releases no CO2 and can be produced using renewable energy. But the technology is only just taking off. Such early phases are characterized by volatility and lean periods on the market. But those who believe in hydrogen for the long term can seize opportunities right now - after all, many shares are trading well below their peak prices. We present three stocks.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 18th, 2021 | 13:23 CET

Commerzbank, BIGG Digital Assets, PayPal: Where it's all about crypto

  • crypto

Especially in dynamic business fields like finance, the better ideas can be worth their weight in gold. Finance has been turning itself inside out for years. First, it only became more digital; today, decentralized technologies such as blockchain ensure that processes become faster, simpler and more secure - and can be automated. On the one hand, this reduces costs and opens up massive potential on the other. We remember: In industry history, automation has already caused a boom and new global corporations. If investments or trading in tangible assets are also automated in the future, the potential is enormous. We present three shares related to this topic.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 18th, 2021 | 12:07 CET

RWE, Nordex, Water Ways, JinkoSolar: These shares are just starting to blossom

  • agritech

Sustainability pays off! Even utility RWE believes that the EUR 50 billion the Company plans to invest in transforming its corporate structure is capital well spent and expects profit increases of up to 10% annually in the course of the measures. Since operating sites also determine whether a company's sustainability account is in the green or not, photovoltaic suppliers are also likely to benefit from climate change. Industrial companies will also fare better in the long term with renewable energy - companies like Nordex are already looking forward to it. This article explains where opportunities are waiting around climate change and whether there are still niches that have received little attention from the market.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 18th, 2021 | 11:39 CET

Trucks and hydrogen as a billion-dollar business: Daimler, Clean Logistics, Nikola

  • Hydrogen

Hydrogen was the hot topic last fall: shares like NEL kept climbing. But then came the disillusionment: Alongside Tesla and BYD, more and more traditional carmakers also switched to electric cars with batteries. Hydrogen shares collapsed. But this does not mean that the technology is out of the picture. The energy carrier remains a beacon of hope for ships, trucks and even aircraft. Just recently, a German company even put a hydrogen bus on the road. We explain what hydrogen means for commercial vehicles and how investors can profit, using three shares as examples.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 17th, 2021 | 14:03 CET

Airbus, Kleos Space, Secunet Security Networks: Where analysts see 600% returns

  • Space

Data is the raw material of the 21st century. Almost everyone has read this sentence at least once. But what is the truth behind the mantra of tech-savvy journalists and visionaries? The fact is that today, thanks to sensors and satellites, we can collect data both below and above ground. In mining, for example, sensors ensure that problems in the mine are detected early on, and productivity can be kept high. In the atmosphere and space, aircraft and satellites collect a wide range of data on weather and activities on Earth. This data flows into climate research, border protection or the fight against smugglers. We present three companies that are taking innovative approaches to the raw material of the 21st century.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 17th, 2021 | 13:11 CET

Barrick Gold, Triumph Gold, Newmont: Here is what matters for Barrick and Co.

  • PreciousMetals

The gold price has recovered in recent weeks. The increasingly strong inflationary pressure and the growing nervousness of professional market participants, such as banks, which see increasing pressure on monetary guardians to act in the fight against inflation, may have attracted some investors' attention to the precious metal again. But how can investors invest? Physical holdings involve incidental purchase costs and require a safe deposit box - bank safe deposit boxes are already in short supply at present. Financial products, such as ETCs, are more paper than precious metal and are certainly not suitable for crisis protection in the worst case. That leaves equities. We present three stocks.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 16th, 2021 | 11:56 CET

Varta, Nevada Copper, BYD: Fast 100% with this future trend?

  • Copper

What does the future look like in German inner cities? If we take a survey of Hamburg residents as a blueprint, a lot will likely change in our cities very soon. Hamburgers would prefer to see their city centers car-free and promote electromobility even more strongly. So far, it is primarily city dwellers who are leaning toward the future. But as soon as e-cars paired with autonomous driving bring the surrounding areas closer to the centers, rural residents are also likely to renounce their diesel quickly. Don't believe it? Then let us convince you and find out how you can invest in tomorrow's trends today.
