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André Will-Laudien

  • Energy
  • Ressources
  • Technology

Born in Munich, he first studied economics and graduated in business administration at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in 1995. As he was involved with the stock market at a very early stage, he now has more than 30 years of experience in the capital markets. In the historic year 2000, he trained as a CEFA analyst in Frankfurt and has since then accompanied over 20 IPOs in Germany.

Until 2018, he held various positions at banks as an asset manager, capital market and macro expert as well as fundamental equity analyst. He is passionate about the energy, commodity and technology markets as well as the tactical and strategic asset allocation of liquid investment products. As an expert speaker at investment committee meetings of funds as well as at customer events, he can still describe the course of the 1987 crash, one of the major buying opportunities of the last 33 years on the stock market.

Today, he knows that the profit in shares is not necessarily the result of buying cheaply, but above all of avoiding mistakes and recognizing in good time when markets are ready to let air out. After all, in addition to basic fundamental analysis, investing in stocks is above all a phenomenon of global liquidity and this must be monitored regularly.

Commented by André Will-Laudien

Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 10th, 2020 | 10:10 CET

Newlox Gold, Agnico-Eagle Mines, Kinross Gold - Gold USD 2,500 in preparation...!

  • Gold

That was a slap in the face today! BioNtech was just around the corner with the Covid-19 vaccination and the safety-oriented investors hit the precious metals again. Gold yesterday lost 4.9% to USD 1,853 after USD 1,952 the day before, and silver was slaughtered by 7.9% to USD 23.7. It has been a long time since the precious metals were hit. The paper-oriented investments in gold followed the announcement with considerable discounts to the south. But, the autumnal precious metal fairs suggest a grumbling. Most gold and silver mines have done their homework in the last 3 years and reduced production costs substantially.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 9th, 2020 | 11:08 CET

Vodafone, UPCO International, Apple: Phone, Pay, Chat!

  • Telecommunications

Telecommunication today is an inexpensive service that we take for granted. In the past, however, international calling was an exciting affair. I can still remember the time before the mobile telephone. It was 1990, in Death Valley, United States with a temperature of almost 50 degrees, there was a Pacific Bell coin-operated telephone which only accepted quarters (US 25 cent coins). When dialling a German number, the operator said: "Please insert USD 4.75 to proceed with this call." Prepared for this, with 19 quarters, one would insert the coins and wait under the plexiglass hood for the connection. One congratulated a family member on their birthday or exchanged a brief update on a vacation and then after 1 minute 30 seconds the call would end. At the very least, the relatives 9,100 km away had received a sign of life. All is well!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 6th, 2020 | 11:35 CET

MAG Silver, Silver Lake Resources, Silver Viper: Inflation may come!

  • Silver

Goldman Sachs is bullish for the commodity sector! In a memo to its clients, analysts predict a weaker dollar, rising inflation and additional monetary and fiscal policy incentives as reasons for a possible recovery in commodity prices. For the S&P GSCI, which tracks 24 commodities from all commodity sectors, a return of 30 percent is forecast over 12 months. Industrial metals, such as copper, could gain 5 percent, precious metals 18 percent and energy more than 42 percent. Goldman forecasts an average gold price of USD 2,300 per ounce in 2021, while silver is forecast to average USD 30 per ounce. Hear, hear - such a thing rarely comes from an investment bank!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 5th, 2020 | 11:06 CET

Defense Metals, Orocobre, Aurubis – Everyone is a specialist!

  • Metals

Strategic metals are indispensable. They are very rare in the earth's crust and only occur in certain places. For the free economy, there is a procurement problem per se, because, on the one hand, China has the largest reserves, on the other hand, the states intervene in the distribution of the existing quotas. In times of a pandemic, mine closures lead to minor shortages in these metals, but prices are usually negotiated with buyers on a long-term basis. Since the metals usually cannot be procured in alternative ways, it is in everyone's interest to improve the supply situation. But how to procure, if not steal...?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 4th, 2020 | 13:44 CET

General Electric, SolGold, Nikola - Take a close look!

  • Investments

New times have dawned. In the USA, after the current stock market correction, people are celebrating a small upswing as if it were the latest landing on the moon. Yes, there were useful GDP data, after 6 months of negative figures October joined the ranks with a growth of +33.1% - but the levelled annual level is still a good 27% below the previous year. The next lockdown is imminent, which will inevitably come after the election given the new infection figures of 92,000 a day. The now noticeable recovery reflects the hard reset of the economy after the sharp declines since March. The stock market is betting that the economy will regain size in a few quarters. However, one should bear in mind the dowry: Exploding unemployment and the unprecedented national debt has been rampant for 12 years and is now being legitimized by the fight against the pandemic!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 2nd, 2020 | 09:41 CET

wallstreet:online, Apple, Facebook: The kings of the data world

  • Big data

That was a rain of numbers last week. Almost all technology companies reported their figures for the third quarter - the absolute negative outlier was SAP. After a small sales warning for its cloud business, the share price slumped by 27% over the week and, at EUR 90, almost reached the level of the March correction. Overall, it was not a good week for technology stocks worldwide. A whole 5% sent down the most watched NDX with the popular FAANG shares. Apple and Facebook, the absolute investor favourites, have built dangerous chart technical summit formations, while the German wallstreet:online AG shines with good figures and a delightful stock split.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 30th, 2020 | 13:14 CET

Amazon, Deutsche Post, dynaCERT - Properly shipped!

  • Logistics

For investors who are always dealing with new trend topics, there is now the "FreightTech" corner from the technology sector. The term describes the technology to improve freight, shipping and logistics. The trend has been on the radar of venture capital companies for several years, and institutional investments are on the rise. "Online commerce" is now driving the headlines currently, which during the Covid 19 pandemic more than exceeded previous expectations. With the latest contact restrictions, people are doing much more from home - making logistics companies the absolute winners of the pandemic. Global consultants and experts in transportation, such as Roland Berger, are calling on established players to understand their environment better, to master the adaptation of current business models and challenges posed by changing market dynamics. We take a closer look...


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 29th, 2020 | 13:36 CET

ENI, Royal Dutch Shell, Saturn Oil & Gas - scandals and crash!

  • Oil

Six months ago, leading oil producers and the G20 energy ministers met to coordinate an emergency package of production cuts. The aim was to at least compensate for the drop in demand caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. At that time, it was impossible to know how significant the damage from the pandemic would be and for how long a real recovery would take. Now the production is somewhat lower, and existing oil stocks are gradually fading, but the uncertain prospects remain, as can be seen from the very low forward prices. In the longer term, producers are currently not very encouraged, as the curve shows that prices are unlikely to reach the USD 50.00 per barrel mark by the end of 2023. Those who want to bring about a shortage in the oil market have a monster task ahead of them, because "there is plenty of oil and a slowing economy".


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 27th, 2020 | 10:17 CET

Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, EXMceuticals - Research in competition

  • Health

By the end of 2020, the drug market is expected to more than double to USD 1.3 trillion, with the E7 countries - Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia and Turkey - accounting for about one-fifth of global drug sales. Also, the incidence of chronic diseases in developing countries will increasingly resemble that in industrialized countries. The evidence is abundant that the pharmaceutical industry business model is both economically unsustainable and operationally lethargic to produce the types of innovative treatments demanded by global markets. The industry must fundamentally change the way it operates to take full advantage of future growth opportunities. PwC's management consultants expect the industry to shift its focus from treatment to prevention. The traditional blockbuster sales model will disappear, and sophisticated direct sales channels will diminish the role of wholesalers. Let's take a closer look!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 26th, 2020 | 11:10 CET

Yamana, Glencore, Scottie Resources - Accurate analysis required!

  • Gold

Gold fluctuates with every political news item like never before. Let's take a quick look at the chart technique to understand the recent movements. After a three-part downtrend since August 2020, which pushed gold from a new record high of USD 2,074.00 to support at USD 1,850.00, a recovery began at this level in late September. It initially moved the gold price to the hurdle at USD 1,920.00 in early October. After a short, sharp correction, the gold price gained momentum once more, reaching the USD 1,935.00 resistance level. However, there was a further slide in the price on Friday, with the entire previous week's profit being equalized again with closing prices around USD 1,902.00. It will be exciting to see how gold performs in the election campaign for the US presidency. We are looking at some exciting gold stocks.
