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André Will-Laudien

  • Energy
  • Ressources
  • Technology

Born in Munich, he first studied economics and graduated in business administration at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in 1995. As he was involved with the stock market at a very early stage, he now has more than 30 years of experience in the capital markets. In the historic year 2000, he trained as a CEFA analyst in Frankfurt and has since then accompanied over 20 IPOs in Germany.

Until 2018, he held various positions at banks as an asset manager, capital market and macro expert as well as fundamental equity analyst. He is passionate about the energy, commodity and technology markets as well as the tactical and strategic asset allocation of liquid investment products. As an expert speaker at investment committee meetings of funds as well as at customer events, he can still describe the course of the 1987 crash, one of the major buying opportunities of the last 33 years on the stock market.

Today, he knows that the profit in shares is not necessarily the result of buying cheaply, but above all of avoiding mistakes and recognizing in good time when markets are ready to let air out. After all, in addition to basic fundamental analysis, investing in stocks is above all a phenomenon of global liquidity and this must be monitored regularly.

Commented by André Will-Laudien

Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 21st, 2022 | 11:03 CEST

100% chance with ThyssenKrupp, Varta, Tocvan Ventures and Nel ASA: Lay the foundation for the future now!

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • GreenTech
  • Batteries
  • Hydrogen

Currently, the daily news is not a source of much joy. However, there are opportunities in many of the reports that can quickly turn into cash after the current correction. It seems crucial to focus on stocks that, despite an adverse environment, keep their medium-term goals in mind and can demonstrate a robust business model. Here are some examples showing long-term development potential.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 20th, 2022 | 14:03 CEST

Shock inflation, what is left in the wallet in 2023: TUI, Pathfinder Ventures, Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank

  • RV
  • Camping
  • Travel
  • Banking

In addition to an inflation rate of almost 10%, the first increases in utility costs are now fluttering into citizens' mailboxes. As already feared, the extreme increase in the cost of energy and electricity is putting a heavy strain on monthly budgets. Whether there can still be a vacation in 2023 will be decided by the length of the Russia conflict, which has kept fossil energy prices high so far. As investors can easily see, the high oil and gas prices are contributing to negative effects in almost all sectors; especially in winter, the supply situation in Central Europe is likely to be very tight. Which stocks should investors watch out for now?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 19th, 2022 | 14:10 CEST

These stocks are fighting the energy crisis: BASF, Nel ASA, JinkoSolar and Globex Mining

  • Mining
  • Commodities
  • GreenTech

The current energy crisis is a homemade problem that has been felt primarily in Europe since the start of the war. For decades, Europe has relied on raw material supplies from Russia, and now, these have been sanctioned. Although the "old continent" has already made astonishing progress in upgrading its renewable energies, there is a threat of further price increases, blackouts and even electricity rationing if gas and oil supplies fail to materialize in the coming winter. By mid-2022, there were green power yields of between 43% and 61% of grid capacity, fossil fuels now account for only 15 to 20%, and nuclear power has been contributing only about 3.5% for several years. Nevertheless, a difficult winter probably looms because the fossil component is more than uncertain. Equity investors should look closely at who can prevail in this environment.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 13th, 2022 | 14:10 CEST

Attention, turnaround: Bayer, BioNTech, Defence Therapeutics, MorphoSys - These biotech stocks are way down!

  • Biotechnology
  • Cancer

Even though more people are being diagnosed with cancer today, and the disease remains the leading cause of death, the number of people dying from cancer is trending downward. In recent years, respectively, survival rates have been steadily increasing. The relative proportion of survivors based on all cancer types in the US has increased from 50% to more than 67% over the past two decades, so today, two out of three patients with a serious disease are still alive after five years. In Europe, too, there has been an increase in 5-year survival rates for the most common cancer types. This is encouraging and draws attention to the oncology sector. Which biotech stocks are significant here and offer a good entry point?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 12th, 2022 | 11:31 CEST

Biotech in the scope: BioNTech, XPhyto Therapeutics, MorphoSys, Valneva - The cards are reshuffled!

  • Biotechnology
  • Pharma

Cancer remains one of the greatest afflictions of our time, along with cardiovascular disease. Despite the tremendous progress already made in the fight against cancer, there remains an unmet medical need for many types of cancer. Cancer was responsible for nearly 10 million deaths worldwide in 2020. Other diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, also continue to be the focus of research. How is the biotech industry faring after the pandemic and during the stock market storm?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 11th, 2022 | 10:50 CEST

Stocks on a roller coaster ride, pay particular attention here: BYD, Manuka Resources, Porsche, VW

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Electromobility

Currently, there are few highlights to report from the stock market. However, the mega-deal for 100,000 e-vehicles between BYD and Sixt is worth mentioning. The successful IPO of Porsche AG was also quite exciting, and for VW, it is an important strengthening of liquid funds for the transformation process towards e-mobility. In addition to inflation figures of just under 10%, we are also seeing significant markdowns in the Bund futures. Interest rates continue to rise, and a wake-up call for precious metals is spreading. Here are a few ideas.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 10th, 2022 | 13:33 CEST

High voltage is the order of the day here: Rheinmetall, Hensoldt, Kleos Space, and Kion under power!

  • Space
  • Defense
  • Inflation

In the current environment, good advice is expensive. Some fundamental analyses provide the most favorable valuation parameters in 5 years, while at the same time, the depressive environment is causing one major sell-off after another. Not even a year ago, equities were even considered "no alternative" by banks and fund managers in pension provisioning. Although this is true in the very long term, this calculation only works if the portfolio management system above it correctly assesses the big waves and sets the proper risk ratio. When looking at individual stocks, it is worth first looking at some bombed-out shares.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 7th, 2022 | 10:15 CEST

Strong rebound in gold: Varta, TUI, Desert Gold - Is it already buying time for these shares?

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Batteries
  • travel

Despite all the gloom, the capital market offers plenty of opportunities every day. The Varta shares experienced a crash of over 80% in only 12 months but could also swing up by 15% within 1 week. Such movements are part of a revaluation that many stocks are now undergoing. The experienced investor is not bothered by this because, fortunately, there are upward exaggerations as well as downward ones, and both provide buying opportunities. The only question that remains is whether the level reached could already be down. Fundamental analysis helps here, but chart technology also provides valuable clues for timing. We take a closer look at the following stocks.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 6th, 2022 | 12:44 CEST

Hydrogen - the fuel for transportation and logistics stocks: Plug Power, dynaCERT, ThyssenKrupp, and Daimler Truck with imagination

  • Hydrogen
  • Logistics
  • Electromobility

Hydrogen technology finally seems to be gaining momentum on the industrial side. Time and again, companies such as Plug Power or Nel ASA are reporting various orders from the private and public sectors. Unfortunately, conventional diesel drives still dominate the transportation and logistics sector. However, the exhibitors at the IAA Transportation in Hannover have quite different goals: They want to lead truck transport into a climate-neutral logistics era. This requires a willingness to invest and appropriate technological support. Fleet operators, meanwhile, are already shuffling their feet and waiting for the producers to give the green light. There are great opportunities for investors to be involved right from the start.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 5th, 2022 | 12:37 CEST

E-mobility and hydrogen: BYD, Almonty Industries, Thyssen, Nel ASA - Things are really starting to happen now!

  • Mining
  • Tungsten
  • Electromobility
  • Hydrogen
  • GreenTech

In the current geopolitical constellation, the globalized world is showing its real weaknesses. For commodity-dependent Europe and especially Germany, the situation even presents itself as a medium-term showstopper for industry because as winter approaches, governments will have to decide where the remaining gas reserves may be drawn from. But if there is not enough, the decision will likely be made in the direction of the population, and the industry will then have to look for alternatives. Despite the cost of electricity, e-mobility seems to be finding its way, and hydrogen is also slowly getting off the ground. What does this mean for individual stocks?
