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Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 1st, 2021 | 10:05 CET

JinkoSolar, NIO, Almonty - Rare metals, these are the buying opportunities!

  • Tungsten

The Purchasing Managers' Index (EMI) for the manufacturing sector in China measures the industrial sector's current situation. In the financial markets, this survey of purchasing managers and company heads is considered one of the most influential economic indicators because it shows the country's economic performance from several angles at an early stage. Yesterday, Sunday, this index came with a value of 50.6 - expected was 51.1, the last value was 51.3. If you think in categories of an imminent recovery to Corona, you will be slightly disappointed with this figure. After all, a value below 50 indicates recessionary tendencies - and China is not far from this mark.
