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Commented by Stefan Feulner on September 27th, 2021 | 11:23 CEST

JinkoSolar, dynaCERT, Alstom, Nel ASA - Hydrogen as the key

  • Hydrogen

For the first time right before a federal election, Fridays for Future demonstrated nationwide for more climate protection. According to Greta Thunberg, who made her appearance in Berlin, Germany is the fourth-largest carbon dioxide emitter in history, and that with a population of only 80 million people. Politicians must act and accelerate the switch from gasoline and diesel to environmentally friendly drives. In addition to electromobility, there is no way around hydrogen and fuel cell technology in the future, especially for heavy vehicles.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on September 22nd, 2021 | 14:05 CEST

NEL, dynaCERT, Plug Power, FuelCell Energy - Hydrogen, the flagpole is broken!

  • Hydrogen

Today, what a hype, one would say. Those who held their nerve in January and let reality prevail are not the ones who are surprised at the outcome today. Hydrogen was the stuff of dreams for a few weeks, but the barrel foamed over properly. After rises of up to 2500%, almost all H2 stocks went into the cellar. And how dynamic it was! In just 6 months, hydrogen stocks have lost up to 85% again. One wonders: can there be a second wave? The framework parameters are suitable, as both the EU and Joe Biden have agreed on more hydrogen within the climate targets. The only important thing is the exact design of the subsidies because it will probably not be possible without government orders!


Commented by Nico Popp on September 17th, 2021 | 13:43 CEST

NEL, dynaCERT, Volkswagen: Where hydrogen has not yet been written off

  • Hydrogen

Will hydrogen become a climate saver in homes? Or will it revolutionize the propulsion technology of ships and trucks? Even if hydrogen has lost some of its fantasy in recent months, the energy carrier is still on the agenda of many inventors and engineers. We introduce three companies that are - sometimes more and sometimes less - involved with hydrogen.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on September 15th, 2021 | 14:23 CEST

Nel ASA, Enapter, Plug Power, FuelCell Energy - It is time to go all out!

  • Hydrogen

Hydrogen is not only a climate-friendly means of propulsion for automobiles and heavy-duty transport. Large industries such as chemicals and steel can use hydrogen technology to reduce their consumption of natural gas. There are costs involved when converting to hydrogen, most of which are only feasible with political support. The German government's national hydrogen strategy fits in well here. But medium-sized industries, especially energy-intensive sectors, could also become much more environmentally friendly with hydrogen-based technologies. Which stocks are well-positioned here?


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on September 10th, 2021 | 13:35 CEST

Enapter, NEL, Ballard Power - Hydrogen: This will happen!

  • Hydrogen

If you follow the political discussion in Germany regarding climate and green energy, the debate is almost exclusively about solar and wind power. Electric mobility is the order of the day. But soberly considered, there will and must be a coexistence of several approaches. Hydrogen solutions have received far too little attention. But this technology is urgently needed for the energy transition. The industry is still relatively young, but there is a very good chance that a huge market will emerge in which several companies will be able to operate successfully and profitably. Are these the winners?


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on September 1st, 2021 | 11:55 CEST

NEL, dynaCERT, Porsche - Innovative and full of opportunities, why now?

  • Hydrogen

Climate change requires the decarbonization of industry, better sooner than later. What will green mobility look like in the future? Here, representatives of hydrogen technology and electromobility provide very different answers. There are also innovative bridging technologies, and the innovative power of major automakers should not be underestimated. Who will put the most horsepower on the road?


Commented by Nico Popp on August 31st, 2021 | 11:27 CEST

NEL, Enapter, Daimler: Where hydrogen still offers opportunities

  • Hydrogen

And what about hydrogen? CDU/CSU chancellor candidate Armin Laschet not only earned the laughs of Tesla boss Elon Musk when he asked about the appropriate technology for the mobility revolution, but the German media also mocked the CDU chairman. Yet hydrogen as an energy carrier is far from being out of the question, at least for trucks, ships and trains. Hydrogen could also be used as a power source in remote regions. Reason enough to take a closer look at a few stocks.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 30th, 2021 | 12:13 CEST

First Hydrogen, Nel, Plug Power, FuelCell Energy - Is the next Hydrogen rally coming?

  • Hydrogen

Hydrogen is repeatedly put forward as a solution for climate-neutral energy production. A strong distinction must be made for climate protection because only green hydrogen - produced from 100% renewable energy - is truly climate-friendly. Insufficient differentiation between hydrogen types has fatal consequences for the globe. In a recent study, scientists at the University of Standford in California prove that blue hydrogen, produced from natural gas in combination with the injection of the resulting CO2 through carbon capture-and-storage, actually has a significantly worse climate balance than the direct combustion of crude oil and natural gas. Significant methane gas emissions in production mainly cause this. Today we look at interesting values in the hydrogen environment.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on August 26th, 2021 | 13:12 CEST

Pure Extraction, Nikola, SFC Energy - Is Elon Musk wrong with his hydrogen forecast?

  • Hydrogen

On the subject of eMobility, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Automotive, takes a clear position: In the future, cars and transport vehicles will be electric, and the energy they need will come from batteries. Any other solution is unthinkable for him, as he recently let slip in a mocking remark when asked about hydrogen as a fuel. But even Elon Musk is not always right. Many respected scientists around the world recognize the advantages of hydrogen technology. Particularly in combination with a fuel cell, the advantages of rapid refueling and trouble-free gas transport to even the remotest corners of the earth do not seem to be underestimated. These stocks benefit from the triumph of hydrogen technology!


Commented by Armin Schulz on August 25th, 2021 | 11:40 CEST

Nel ASA, dynaCERT, Steinhoff - Boost for the portfolio with turnaround candidates

  • Hydrogen

As the saying goes, the profit is in the purchase, but it is often not easy to determine the "bottom" on the stock market. Many factors need to be taken into account. First, there is the corporate sector and its sentiment. Is there fantasy? Is the market in trend? Then one should look at the fundamentals. Is there debt? Is the company making money? What is the sales growth, and what are the forecasts? After that, one can look at the varying analyst opinions and set up one's own rating system that awards points for different aspects. Using this checklist, one can quickly determine whether a company is attractive. In every portfolio there should be standard stocks, which make up the majority of the portfolio. A small part of the portfolio can be invested in speculative stocks, as they offer significant profits that can give the portfolio a boost. Today we take a closer look at three of these turnaround candidates.
