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Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 16th, 2024 | 07:00 CEST

Trump shares: Airbus, Royal Helium, Hensoldt, and Rheinmetall appear systemically relevant, and Plug Power aims high!

  • Helium
  • hightech
  • Defense
  • Fuelcells

The world seems to be coming apart at the seams! While the capital markets are skyrocketing, we find ourselves in the midst of several geopolitical conflicts and a brutalization of social conditions. In Saxony, poster-holders are being beaten up; in the US, presidential candidates are being shot at, and in Ukraine and the Middle East, there seems to be no end in sight to the warfare. No wonder the population's need for security is at an all-time high. This also drives up gold and Bitcoin, as political confidence is waning. Donald Trump may be a flamboyant and over-excited politician, but he is right when he says that the current situation is almost unbearable. He wants to invest a lot of money in security and get "his country" back on track. Strategically relevant shares remain in demand in this context. Here is a current selection!


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on July 12th, 2024 | 06:30 CEST

First Hydrogen, Delivery Hero, Porsche - New markets, new challenges, and optimistic analysts

  • Hydrogen
  • Fuelcells
  • Electromobility
  • renewableenergies
  • Retail

The markets are on the move. Delivery Hero is charging its B2B customers in South Korea to pay more to cushion a potential fine of three million euros. While food is delivered by bicycle in urban areas, there are numerous delivery services that deliver goods to their customers by van. Whether Amazon, Hermes, or DHL, innovations are urgently needed here, as purely electric vehicles can usually only handle short distances. First Hydrogen could be the answer. The Company is developing emission-free vehicles for logistics that can cover 630 km on a single fuel tank. First Hydrogen is thus positioning itself as an innovative player in the still-young hydrogen market. Porsche, on the other hand, is struggling with declining sales figures, particularly in China. However, analysts remain optimistic, thanks to a positive margin trend and another decisive factor.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 3rd, 2024 | 07:45 CEST

Ballard Power, Exasol, Xiaomi - Shares on the rise

  • Software
  • renewableenergies
  • Fuelcells
  • Electromobility

The stock market year 2024 is entering its second quarter and has again started with record highs. The DAX reached new all-time highs of 18,571 points, while the Dow Jones broke through the 40,000-point barrier for the first time in its history. Despite the boom in the most important stock market barometers, many sectors are still in a deep sleep and are waiting to be kissed awake. The recent weeks have shown, with cannabis stocks as an example, how quickly a rebound can be initiated.
