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Commented by Carsten Mainitz on April 20th, 2021 | 07:10 CEST

BioNTech, SunMirror, Steinhoff - Great News!

  • Investments

Shortly before the finish line, the going gets tough again. Many athletes and those who have to really "bite" in the last few meters before a deadline are probably familiar with this feeling. Everyday life in the Corona pandemic is also becoming more exhausting. Now, with BioNTech's announcement that it will double weekly vaccine dose deliveries to around 5.1 million units from the end of May, there may be a breakthrough in achieving herd immunity in Germany in the next few months. It is not only good news for the Company's shareholders but everyone. Below we present two other companies whose shareholders should be very pleased. Let us surprise you!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 20th, 2021 | 07:00 CEST

BMW, Nevada Copper, Geely - The supercycle is unstoppable!

  • Copper

Since January of last year, the copper price has more than doubled and is currently trading at a 9-year high. The trend is clearly towards further rising prices. Due to the switch to alternative energy such as wind power or solar energy and the displacement of the combustion engine by the electric car, a multiple of the carrier metal is needed. Experts from major American banks such as Citigroup or JP Morgan are already talking about a new "supercycle" on the commodities market, a sustained upward price trend. Demand is rising and supply is falling. Back the winners of the energy turnaround!


Commented by Nico Popp on April 20th, 2021 | 06:50 CEST

CureVac, BioNTech, PsyBio: Yesterday's game changers - and tomorrow's?

  • Biotechnology

Vaccines against the coronavirus are changing everything. People who sat anxiously at home just a few weeks ago now dare to socialize again after their injection. Even if contact restrictions still apply - the feeling of being alive is different after the vaccination. German vaccine manufacturers, in particular, have used innovative mRNA technology to create vaccines that are largely scandal-free - and offer good protection. In the slipstream, new, innovative companies are already preparing to bring the next game changers to market. For investors, this can be a rewarding environment.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 19th, 2021 | 16:58 CEST

Rock Tech Lithium, BYD, Millennial Lithium - The lithium boom is coming!

  • Lithium

The lithium theme is gaining tremendous momentum. According to Bloomberg data, junior lithium companies have already raised about USD 530 million this year. One of the largest capital raises has been Lithium Americas Corp. which has raised a total of USD 500 million through placements in 6 months. The reason for this high level of activity is the announcements by the automotive industry that they plan to invest record amounts in mobile battery technology over the next 5 years. We are talking about a total of over USD 50 billion that Tesla & Co. will soon be launching in order to get their hands on future mobility. Climate change activists should be happy about this. Here are a selection of stocks that are putting the pedal to the metal on this.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 19th, 2021 | 08:35 CEST

NIO, NewPeak Metals, Barrick Gold - The calm before the storm!

  • Gold

The stock indices are still in a celebratory mood. Both the DAX and the Dow Jones benchmark index again reached historic highs last week. In addition to all the euphoria, there was the successful debut of the crypto exchange Coinbase, which also helped Bitcoin, Etherum & Co to achieve new all-time highs. Meanwhile, the first signs of life came from the precious metals for the first time in months. Gold was able to stop its losing trend since the beginning of the year and should become interesting again due to the fundamental data. One can profit from the favorable entry opportunities!


Commented by Armin Schulz on April 19th, 2021 | 08:10 CEST

Plug Power, Desert Gold, Bayer - Shares with opportunities despite all-time highs?

  • Gold

Almost all indices are near their all-time highs. No wonder, given the expansive monetary policy and the associated inflation expectations. Commodity prices, in particular, are seeing a sharp rise. Thursday, gold was able to break the resistance area at USD 1,750. Despite this positive environment, however, some stocks are far from their all-time high. We will take a closer look at these today.


Commented by Nico Popp on April 19th, 2021 | 07:35 CEST

Rheinmetall, Airbus, Almonty Industries: Potential lurks here

  • Tungsten

Certain industries may have a bad reputation, but they are still lucrative. Examples of these include the defense industry and aircraft manufacturing. Germany's military spending has risen steadily in recent years. The German government recently stepped it up a notch and spent EUR 51.4 billion on armaments in 2020. Given the consistent demand from the USA and NATO to further increase spending, defense companies are operating in an attractive market - demand is growing and growing and the market is also regulated.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on April 19th, 2021 | 07:19 CEST

q.beyond, Blackrock Silver, Navstone - New name, new focus, undiscovered potential?

  • Silver

"Everything new, fresh and free is the fair May." This line of text from the song written by Hermann Adam von Kamp some 200 years ago is still a saying today, in a modified form, that stands for change or a new beginning. We have brought you three companies, all of which have recently been given new names, which stand for a shift in business focus, and some cases, even for a completely new start. Where are the undiscovered yield opportunities?


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on April 16th, 2021 | 07:33 CEST

Almonty Industries, Millennial Lithium, Orocobre- It pays off for investors!

  • Tungsten

Since 2011, the European Commission publishes a list of critical raw materials in intervals of 3 years. Thereby, the supply risk of the European economy with these raw materials is measured. While the list initially comprised only 14 raw materials, including rare earths and tungsten, it has now grown to 30. Lithium, bauxite, strontium and titanium were added most recently. The EU has formulated a comprehensive plan of action to reduce dependence on China. Any imbalance in supply and demand has an impact on price levels. If you position yourself correctly, this opens up great opportunities for returns. We present three exciting companies below.


Commented by Nico Popp on April 16th, 2021 | 07:30 CEST

NEL, Enapter, Plug Power: Hydrogen? It's just getting started!

  • Hydrogen

If you look at the prices of selected hydrogen stocks, you might think the hype is over. But the big players in the industry are only now jumping on the bandwagon. Bosch, for example, has decided to really take off with fuel cells for trucks. The aim is to establish the technology in China. Here, a large market is waiting, which could also be groundbreaking for other sales markets. Specialized companies from the hydrogen sector could profit from this - after all, large industrial companies such as Bosch are always interested in new technology.
