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Commented by Nico Popp on June 28th, 2022 | 11:47 CEST

What comes after inflation: BYD, Desert Gold, Barrick Gold

  • Gold
  • Electromobility
  • Inflation

The course of time cannot be stopped. A resourceful investor should try to find something good in every development. That is particularly easy with green trends such as renewable energy and e-mobility. But even the current crisis holds long-term potential. Below, we outline what that potential is and how investors can position themselves right now.


Commented by Armin Schulz on June 27th, 2022 | 13:39 CEST

SAP, Kleos Space, RWE - Crisis-resistant stocks that belong in the portfolio

  • Space
  • bigdata
  • Digitization

Even though the mood on the markets has brightened somewhat in the past week, the Fear and Greed Index rose from 14 to 18, so the uncertainty on the markets is still palpable. One must pick companies whose business models will work well in the long run. These companies have also suffered setbacks from the current market environment but are well prepared for the challenges ahead. We have picked three companies that should benefit from the tough times ahead.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on June 27th, 2022 | 12:12 CEST

BrainChip and Palantir with strong rebound - How does BioNTech react?

  • chips
  • Technology
  • Biotechnology

The correction on the stock markets has been going on for months. Technology stocks, in particular, have been hit hard. Due to the end of the ultra-loose monetary policy and possible larger interest rate steps, even market leaders lost more than 80% of their ground in some cases. Whether interest rate hikes can be implemented as planned in the coming months, on the other hand, appears more than questionable. After all, the spectre of recession is already hovering over the capital markets. Moreover, the historical debt levels of several countries are likely to rule out further interest rate hikes.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 27th, 2022 | 11:08 CEST

The solution is here: BASF, Nordex, Barsele Minerals - Energy disaster across Europe

  • renewableenergies
  • Gold

Europe's energy supply cannot be managed from its own resources; many components of the energy mix have been imported for years. However, Germany is one of the leaders in the field of alternative energies. In the first four months of 2022, 174 TWh of electricity was generated here in Germany. The share of renewable energies in electricity generation was a high 52%. With 90 TWh produced, solar, wind & co. are the most important sources. The picture is rather gloomy in the case of fossil primary energy sources, which are important for industry. After the end of hard coal mining in 2019, Germany as an industrial location is 95% dependent on imports of crude oil and natural gas from abroad, 40% of which have so far come from Russia. A disaster from the current perspective. Which shares are worth watching out for now?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 24th, 2022 | 11:19 CEST

TUI, Pathfinder Ventures, Lufthansa - The travel market is back - where are the share prices?

  • travel
  • Investments
  • Camping

The travel market has changed dramatically since 2019 in light of the Corona pandemic. Due to the most extensive pandemic standstill in 2020, the capacities for flights, rail traffic and accommodation were adjusted downwards dramatically. Major cost reductions occurred primarily through de-occupancy and staff reductions. Travel companies cut their basic capacity utilization with partners to such an extent that many smaller operations had to pull out of the race, and large corporations could only survive with extensive state aid. Now, however, the situation has turned 180 degrees and demand for travel is exploding. However, this time it seems difficult to ramp up the reduced capacities in line with demand. We look at the opportunities of three typical industry players.


Commented by Armin Schulz on June 24th, 2022 | 10:15 CEST

Commerzbank, Triumph Gold, Bitcoin Group - Inflation alert! Which stocks bring returns in this market environment?

  • Gold
  • Crypto
  • Investments

We have not seen such high inflation for decades. Looking back, it becomes clear that one cannot compare the situation back then with today. Back then, interest rates were at 12%, and as a saver, you could generate an increase in value for your money despite inflation. Today, interest rates are much lower than inflation. Putting money in a savings account will not bring any investor a profit. If you want to protect your money, the first thing that comes to mind is gold because it is considered crisis-proof. But nowadays, it almost seems as if cryptocurrencies could outperform gold. Alternatively, one can bet on stocks that cover these areas. We take a closer look at three companies.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 23rd, 2022 | 14:06 CEST

Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, wallstreet:online, Allianz - High turnover, wild prices - what are brokers and financial stocks doing?

  • Investments
  • Inflation

In addition to the high price increases and the permanently rising interest rates, the highest volatility has now broken out on the stock exchanges. Investors have to adjust to new scenarios almost every day, especially the timing of the news about the state of the international economy is causing more and more headaches for economists. That is because the increased prices of raw materials are now considered standard and put a strain on the purchase prices of intermediate products and the calculation of the Company's own supply list. In some cases, this leads to dramatic adjustments, as impressively demonstrated by the manufacturer price index with +33.6% in May. How are the financial and broker stocks doing in this swing market?


Commented by Nico Popp on June 23rd, 2022 | 12:59 CEST

SPD's Klingbeil: Germany as a "leading power" - Rheinmetall, Kleos Space, Airbus

  • Space
  • Defense
  • armaments

Armaments were long considered the "grubby child" of the capital market. The trend toward ESG-compliant investments ensured that the defense industry was excluded from many investment instruments from the outset. But then came February 24 with all its consequences. In the meantime, even SPD party leader Lars Klingbeil has come out in favour of Germany assuming the role of a "leading power" in military and diplomatic matters. Although the connection between "leadership ordered" and "leadership received" in Germany under Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz is not so clear so far, the political mills grind slowly, as is well known - especially in Germany. It is a good thing that rearmament is an international trend - at least for investors. We take a look at three stocks.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on June 23rd, 2022 | 11:35 CEST

Takeover fantasy: +50% in Valneva shares, and what are BioNTech and Defence Therapeutics doing?

  • Biotechnology
  • Pharma

Tension is rising in the biotech sector as the takeover merry-go-round spins faster and has now hit Valneva. Pfizer's entry caused the stock to explode 50% in three trading days. Earlier, Pfizer had announced it would acquire migraine specialist Biohaven for USD 11.6 billion. Other pharmaceutical giants are also active: Halozyme wants to swallow Antares Pharma, a specialist in urology and endocrinology, for USD 960 million. The acquisition of Sierra Oncology is costing GlaxoSmithKline around USD 1.9 billion. Like Valneva, Defence Therapeutics is about to start important trials and could attract a major partner. A takeover of BioNTech is unlikely, but the flagship German biotech should also benefit from improved sentiment in the industry. The coming week should be operationally exciting for shareholders.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on June 23rd, 2022 | 10:14 CEST

ThyssenKrupp, Desert Gold, Bayer - Waiting for the turnaround

  • Gold

After a strong start to the week for the DAX and a high of 13,444 points, the leading German index ran out of steam. Due to increasing fears of a recession and concerns about continued enormously high inflation rates, the stock market barometer again fell below the psychologically important mark of 13,000 points. The speech of the head of the US Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, should therefore be enormously important for the further course and provide for volatile markets. A decision is also likely to be made soon on the gold market based on the strategy of the monetary guardians.
