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Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 27th, 2021 | 08:40 CEST

NEL, Plug Power, FuelCell, dynaCERT: Hydrogen stocks - is there a comeback?

  • Hydrogen

At the start of the year, they were the hit stocks - the hydrogen stocks. The expectation was that governments would heavily subsidize hydrogen alongside electromobility to help another green alternative to the internal combustion engine get off the ground. The idea was good but failed on only one point: battery-powered vehicles already exist in large numbers, but H2 vehicles suitable for mass production do not yet exist. With a lack of products, no tax rebates or the like can be granted either. So today, the private consumer can only choose one green technology, the electric or hybrid drive. Is there still a future for hydrogen values?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 20th, 2021 | 08:23 CEST

Varta, PlugPower, FuelCell, Mineworx Technologies - Environmental stocks are booming!

  • Mining

The stock market is showing initial downward reactions. Having trended close to its high of 15,508 points again at the beginning of the week, the DAX saw a sell-off in growth stocks yesterday. Again, hydrogen stocks, e-mobility and especially crypto stocks were targeted by sellers. The crypto collapse of up to 50% was once again fueled by the Chinese government yesterday. The nationwide trading ban declared since 2013 was repeated accordingly. One can well imagine that trader turnover will soon be controlled and sanctioned on the Internet as well. The crypto community reacted in shock to this news.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 17th, 2021 | 10:20 CEST

Plug Power, Defense Metals, Xiaomi - Easing or escalation?

  • RareEarths

A trade war between the US and China has been raging since 2018. Now, at the end of last week, news broke that the US Department of Defense has removed Xiaomi, a Chinese technology Company, from its blacklist and all sanctions will be lifted. A ray of hope in relations between the two superpowers? Probably not; after all, the dispute over human rights in China intensifies the conflict between the two countries. Should there be further escalation, the West faces a resource bottleneck that will not only jeopardize the energy transition.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 10th, 2021 | 11:10 CEST

VW, BYD, Plug Power, Almonty - The e-mobility breakthroughs!

  • Tungsten

Driving electric vehicles is becoming more and more popular! The Volkswagen Group delivered 133,300 electrified vehicles in the first quarter - more than twice as many as in the previous year, as the Wolfsburg-based Company points out. 59,900 buyers (+78%) opted for a fully electric vehicle, while plug-in hybrid drive models still lead the way, reaching sales of 73,400 units (+178%). Tesla, the self-proclaimed e-mobility technology leader, only managed 499,550 vehicles in the whole of 2020 (+36%). What does this mean for the manufacturers' shares?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 3rd, 2021 | 10:34 CEST

NEL, Plug Power, FuelCell, Royal Helium - Buy or Sell?

  • Helium

What will the energy transition look like in Europe? Hydrogen - the raw material is seen as an alternative building block of a green future and, according to experts, could become one of the most important energy sources in the coming decades. Water is plentiful, and the only thing missing is a truly environmentally friendly way to produce it. Even under the best conditions, producing green hydrogen costs about 10 times as much as Russian natural gas, which also burns fairly cleanly overall. We have not even considered the electro-technical efficiency.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 27th, 2021 | 07:26 CEST

Plug Power, Almonty Industries, Nel ASA - Hydrogen: Historic turning point!

  • Tungsten

Joe Biden is getting serious about climate action. Now that the United States has re-entered the Paris climate agreement after Donald Trump withdrew, the ambitious targets have been defined. The US wants to halve its greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the decade compared to 2005. The shares of renewable energy providers, which have recently fallen sharply, are reacting strongly. Does the newly announced climate target herald a turnaround? Many stocks are at crucial points.


Commented by Armin Schulz on April 19th, 2021 | 08:10 CEST

Plug Power, Desert Gold, Bayer - Shares with opportunities despite all-time highs?

  • Gold

Almost all indices are near their all-time highs. No wonder, given the expansive monetary policy and the associated inflation expectations. Commodity prices, in particular, are seeing a sharp rise. Thursday, gold was able to break the resistance area at USD 1,750. Despite this positive environment, however, some stocks are far from their all-time high. We will take a closer look at these today.


Commented by Nico Popp on April 16th, 2021 | 07:30 CEST

NEL, Enapter, Plug Power: Hydrogen? It's just getting started!

  • Hydrogen

If you look at the prices of selected hydrogen stocks, you might think the hype is over. But the big players in the industry are only now jumping on the bandwagon. Bosch, for example, has decided to really take off with fuel cells for trucks. The aim is to establish the technology in China. Here, a large market is waiting, which could also be groundbreaking for other sales markets. Specialized companies from the hydrogen sector could profit from this - after all, large industrial companies such as Bosch are always interested in new technology.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 15th, 2021 | 07:24 CEST

Coinbase, Plug Power, NSJ Gold Corp. - Bitcoin, inflation, gold - triple whammy!

  • Gold

The crypto craze has erupted. Nothing is currently causing as much of a stir as cryptocurrencies, their trading platforms and all the service companies surrounding them. Never before have there been such price surges in associated assets in such a short period. There is widespread talk of the crypto world as a means to combat inflation and provide a new payment system. Let's be honest: a currency that fluctuates by more than 500% every six months is hardly suitable for mapping the payment flows of millions of transactions in the goods sector. A Bitcoin that cost EUR 10,000 in the summer of 2020 has reached prices of over EUR 50,000 today. How should one deal with this alleged "currency" - Impossible, as Bitcoin itself is probably inflationary!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 14th, 2021 | 11:45 CEST

BYD, Defense Metals, Plug Power - China first!

  • RareEarths

Cars are to run on electricity, trucks are to be powered by hydrogen, and in the future, wind turbines, solar panels and hydroelectric power plants will generate the electricity. All well and good, but beware, dear climate activists, wind, solar energy and electromobility require mineral raw materials that also leave an ecological footprint when they are extracted. These raw materials are not produced in our country, but almost 80% in China. Due to the Middle Kingdom's demand and the ongoing trade war, the Western world is threatened by a shortage of resources, which endangers the well-intentioned but poorly prepared energy transition.
