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Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 2nd, 2021 | 11:15 CET

Q&M Dental, Pfizer, BioNTech, Teva: Watch out for these pharma picks!

  • Pharma

The COVID pandemic has permanent surprises in store, which strongly influence our daily life. The province of Tyrol was sealed off entirely 2 weeks ago. The Czech Republic is being helped out with vaccine doses because the incidence figures are going through the roof. In Germany, hairdressers and DIY stores have been allowed to open again. Gradually, everyday life is returning to normal, but it will probably take some time before we regain the quality of life of the pre-Corona years. Let's take a closer look at various business models in the healthcare industry to get a feel for what's next.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 19th, 2021 | 10:50 CET

Pfizer, Q&M Dental Group, Johnson & Johnson: Where do profiteers of the pandemic lurk?

  • Healthcare

We all know that one's health is the most important thing. But from time to time, this truism slips out of focus. The pandemic has shown that neither fame nor money can protect you from getting sick. A big step toward being healthy, however, can be made by trusting in research. The development of vaccines in record time has shown how great the potential is in science and the pharmaceutical industry. New test methods are continually coming onto the market. Three shares show that there is money to be made on the stock market from these developments.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 6th, 2021 | 07:57 CET

Amazon, dynaCERT, Pfizer: Innovation thanks to proven ideas

  • Investments

Individual stocks in the stock market are valued based on future earnings potential, which results in high demand for companies poised for growth. The most recent examples are hydrogen stocks, such as NEL and Plug Power. Gold has also been experiencing a renaissance since the pandemic's outbreak and is poised to climb to new heights in the first trading days of 2021. However, good returns can also be achieved with supposedly established stocks. Although ordering from Amazon is as obvious to many of us as going to the nearest supermarket, the Company still has excellent growth potential.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 13th, 2020 | 12:40 CET

Pfizer, BioNTech, Desert Gold - inoculate portfolios with gold!

  • Gold

After only three days, disillusionment already! The winners of yesterday are the losers of today. Since Monday's vaccination rocket, the markets have been hanging around up there, looking to see if any more buyers have left the sickbed of the last bear market. Unfortunately, no, the case is rather that airlines are, on average, down 5% again and a battered TUI is looking for further state aid which pushes the price back towards 4 euros. The problematic week began as the Dow rose by 4% to a new record high, and yields on ten-year government bonds shot up by almost 17% in a single day as investors relinquished security. Oil prices rose by 8% as people now believe that the stalled economy is coming back to life.

Meanwhile, the US dollar index rose by about 60 basis points, while even some exotic currencies with higher beta jumped too. Of course, some gold and silver enthusiasts wonder if a vaccine is enough to kill both the Covid-19 virus and the bull market in precious metals as gold and silver lost between 5 and 9%. However, if you look at the markets today, the chances are that smart money, in particular, will start to buy the dips in the precious metals.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 27th, 2020 | 10:17 CET

Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, EXMceuticals - Research in competition

  • Health

By the end of 2020, the drug market is expected to more than double to USD 1.3 trillion, with the E7 countries - Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia and Turkey - accounting for about one-fifth of global drug sales. Also, the incidence of chronic diseases in developing countries will increasingly resemble that in industrialized countries. The evidence is abundant that the pharmaceutical industry business model is both economically unsustainable and operationally lethargic to produce the types of innovative treatments demanded by global markets. The industry must fundamentally change the way it operates to take full advantage of future growth opportunities. PwC's management consultants expect the industry to shift its focus from treatment to prevention. The traditional blockbuster sales model will disappear, and sophisticated direct sales channels will diminish the role of wholesalers. Let's take a closer look!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on October 21st, 2020 | 12:42 CEST

BioNTech, Valeo Pharma, Pfizer - Starting signal!

  • Covid-19

Who will make the race for the first approved Corona vaccine? Russia, China, and several North American suppliers are fighting for a place in the sun. The second and third parties should also benefit from the approval, as the demand is enormous among the nearly 8 billion inhabitants of the earth. One thing is clear; the winners of this almost macabre-sounding "Corona contest" will go through the roof. Those who receive late approval or no approval at all risk extinction. Admittedly, the world is looking at the long-awaited miracle cure. But there are easier ways for every individual to protect themselves against viruses.
