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Commented by Nico Popp on April 1st, 2021 | 06:00 CEST

Ballard Power, dynaCERT, Porsche: Where are the best auto stocks?

  • Investments

The idea that automakers have no future is a pipe dream. The pandemic shows us: we want to see our loved ones regularly, make new contacts and interact with people. Our car is the key to getting us from A to B in an uncomplicated way. At the same time, however, this mobility must not spoil the next generation's future. Therefore, new developments around clean drives are important and necessary. We introduce three companies and outline the role they play in the mobility revolution.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 31st, 2021 | 11:45 CEST

Varta, Nevada Copper, Porsche - In the wake of the electromobility megatrend!

  • Copper

Demand for copper is increasing, and not only as a result of electromobility. Almost three times as much copper is used in an e-car as in a vehicle with a combustion engine. The world's largest consumer of the industrial metal is China, especially the construction sector. Chile and Peru top the list of the largest copper producers, followed by China and the United States. The metals price has been bullish over the last 12 months, showing a 75% increase. The future is bright not only for the price of copper or the shares of copper producers but also for related demand industries. We present you with three promising investments.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 24th, 2021 | 06:02 CET

Aspermont, ProSiebenSat.1 Media, Porsche - It is all about speed!

  • Investments

When it comes to digitization, Germany probably slept through everything announced in the Digital Pact a few years ago. For years, it has been impossible to make mobile calls without interruption, and anyone who doesn't live in a major city center doesn't have much luck with the Internet either. Now, in the pandemic, these shortcomings are coming to light. Digital society, far from it! How simple it would be to have online-controlled admission systems and access control for our popular cultural institutions. Whether restaurants, cinemas, theaters, ski lifts or zoos - if travel to Mallorca is made possible, then surely, regulated openings for those seeking recreation in their own country should be too. But, imposing bans is more fun than listening to and implementing intelligent ideas - poor Germany!


Commented by Mario Hose on December 11th, 2019 | 19:52 CET

Syzygy as expected due to Daimler, Lufthansa and Porsche

  • Marketing

Syzygy AG, the internationally active German full-service agency for digital marketing, recently published its results for the first nine months of 2019. Syzygy AG's operating performance was characterised by the continued positive development of its German subsidiaries, which, however, were offset by the continued decline in business at the companies operating abroad, in particular the UK subsidiaries. The group operates as a creative, technology and media service provider for digital marketing.
