Commented by Nico Popp on October 15th, 2021 | 10:10 CEST
MorphoSys, Sativa Wellness Group, CureVac: Healthcare investments of tomorrow
The healthcare sector is facing a reassessment. For years, especially in Germany, health care has been "fiddled with" - a reform here, a change there, but in basic terms, little has changed in the system in recent years. With the new federal government, things could start to move. Regardless of ideological trench warfare, observers can state, especially under the impression of the pandemic, that innovative treatment methods and preventive care are the most important trends for the future, along with the digitization of the healthcare system. In this context, we present three companies and highlight their opportunities.
ReadCommented by Armin Schulz on September 24th, 2021 | 11:28 CEST
Alibaba, Kainantu Resources, MorphoSys - The turnaround beckons here
A stock that has fallen sharply can offer the chance to make significant gains relatively quickly. Kostolany once said, "What seems cheap can become much cheaper". In other words, one should be wary of reaching for the falling knife. The shares that you have on your watch list as turnaround candidates should be monitored as closely as possible in order to strike at the right moment. The first thing to do after a stock crash is to wait for it to bottom out. To do this, one observes the Company's earnings position. In addition, the Company's story should fit, and entry should be sought using chart technology. Then nothing stands in the way of more considerable price gains. Today, we look at three companies that could be on the verge of a turnaround.
ReadCommented by Carsten Mainitz on September 20th, 2021 | 11:05 CEST
wallstreet:online, Commerzbank, MorphoSys - Things are looking up again!
The stock market environment remains positive. High inflation coupled with low interest rates makes stocks the right investment vehicle. If you are looking for stocks that are noticeably behind the course highs of the last 12 months, you should take a closer look at the following somewhat different companies. Who is ahead at the end of the year?
ReadCommented by Fabian Lorenz on September 14th, 2021 | 12:02 CEST
MorphoSys, HelloFresh, Aspermont - Price halving or rebound?
Investors are likely to speculate on a rebound in the Valneva share in the coming days; because the price slide of over 30% on Monday was violent. Stifel analysts see sales and earnings estimates for 2020 and 2021 in jeopardy after the UK government unexpectedly canceled a major order for the COVID-19 vaccine under development. Investors have been waiting for a rebound in MorphoSys shares for some time. The latest analyst assessment gives little hope. If Bernstein Research has its way, HelloFresh could soon be down almost 50%. Aspermont seems ripe for a rebound - the share is interesting from a chart perspective, and analysts advise buying.
ReadCommented by Nico Popp on September 9th, 2021 | 11:42 CEST
Nordex, Water Ways Technologies, MorphoSys: How investors invest in the future
The future is traded on the stock exchange. But what does it look like? It is not easy to make concrete predictions. That is one of the reasons why there are both positive and negative surprises on the stock market. But as an investor, you can help the odds, for example, by focusing on megatrends. Demographics, health, and sustainability are trends that will still be in place in ten years. We present three possible investments.
ReadCommented by Stefan Feulner on September 3rd, 2021 | 13:27 CEST
MorphoSys, Defence Therapeutics, CureVac, BioNTech - Dramatic need
While in Germany, 50.4 million citizens, or 60.7% of the population, are already fully vaccinated, and there is already discussion about booster vaccinations, the global average is just one in four. Thus, there is still an enormous demand for vaccines from various manufacturers. In addition to the French pharmaceutical Company Sanofi, a German vaccine producer could also celebrate a stock market comeback due to its second-generation vaccine.
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on September 3rd, 2021 | 10:39 CEST
Desert Gold, MorphoSys, TUI - Are there game-changers in these stocks?
When the stock market has already made a decent run, many investors search for laggards or game-changers. In the case of the so-called laggards, 90% of the reasons why the stock is not performing are fundamental, usually due to complicated or low-margin business models or simply a wrong management approach. The temptation is great to buy charts at the bottom right of the screen according to the motto: "Now the downward trend is over!". This view is unfortunately 90% wrong because the stock market is trend and momentum-driven. So what remains is to try to find so-called "game-changer" stocks. Here, the entire situation changes fundamentally due to an event, and the trend often turns with an initial price jump.
ReadCommented by Stefan Feulner on August 30th, 2021 | 11:22 CEST
Huge opportunities at Steinhoff, Saturn Oil + Gas, MorphoSys
The second-quarter reporting season is drawing to a close and was exceptionally strong. Earnings estimates had already been raised in the run-up to the quarter and were even exceeded again due to the economic recovery following the disastrous Corona year 2020. Looking at the forecasts of most companies for the full year, these were also raised. As a result, some stocks are facing a revaluation that the broader market has yet to realize.
ReadCommented by Carsten Mainitz on August 18th, 2021 | 12:07 CEST
wallstreet:online, Lang & Schwarz, MorphoSys - Long or Short?
(Neo) Brokers and securities trading banks have been achieving record profits for several quarters. Many new investors have discovered the stock market for themselves. The prices seem to know only one direction. In an environment with low-interest rates and, in some cases, zero order fees, this is leading to unprecedented transaction volumes. Who are the winners?
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on August 4th, 2021 | 11:23 CEST
MorphoSys, Defence Therapeutics, BioNTech, Pfizer - The next biotech explosion!
Infectious diseases are diseases transmitted by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses or fungi. Depending on which organs and body parts they affect, they can cause very different symptoms. In Covid-19, we are dealing with a problematic initial situation because not every infected person has apparent symptoms at all. Moreover, the virus can also be transmitted from vaccinated individuals to the next host without any problems. That shows the high relevance of testing, despite increasing vaccination rates. On the one hand, the biotech sector is concerned with diagnostic procedures and, on the other hand, with suitable vaccinations to best prepare our immune system for the fight. In the current pandemic, the coming winter will also indicate the overall effectiveness of vaccines.