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Commented by Carsten Mainitz on June 2nd, 2021 | 11:34 CEST

Infineon, Defense Metals, Aixtron - It is getting tight!

  • RareEarths

Supply bottlenecks in various industries, e.g. wood, metals, semiconductors or chips (see Infineon and Aixtron in this article), are causing prices to skyrocket. Whether only a short-term phenomenon, it remains to be seen. One area that is heading for ever-increasing demand with manageable supply is "rare earths." Particularly for producers or prospective producers or exploration companies, such as Defense Metals, this should pay off in the medium term.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 26th, 2021 | 11:12 CEST

Chips sold out: Nvidia, Infineon, AMD, Defense Metals - E-mobility empties the shelves!

  • Investments

The high-tech industry is currently not coming to rest. The great excitement in the industry is enormous, resulting in delivery bottlenecks for important control and sensor chips, especially for the automotive industry. In addition to delayed deliveries, there are also general resource bottlenecks in the raw materials sector. Often, 50% higher immediate delivery prices for individual components have to be included in the calculation. The chip shortage is a side effect of the Corona Crisis. Due to home offices and misjudgments of the limited manufacturing capacities, supply bottlenecks for semiconductors and components have been occurring since 2020. We take a look at an industry that has had a hard time since the trade war between the USA and China.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 5th, 2021 | 09:14 CEST

Infineon, Triumph Gold, Ballard Power - Invest in the future now!

  • Investments

The earnings season is in full swing. In addition to Corona winners such as TeamViewer or Zalando, which continue to profit from the consequences of the pandemic, biotech companies working to combat the virus also shine with solid figures. On the other hand, companies directly involved in the energy turnaround are disappointing at first glance. In addition to electric carmakers currently struggling with production stoppages due to the acute global chip shortage, renewable energy stocks have also missed analysts' forecasts.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 21st, 2021 | 09:30 CEST

Evotec, NSJ Gold, Infineon - The winners of inflation!

  • Gold

Inflation is coming in leaps and bounds. Although the Corona pandemic is not yet over, a strong economic recovery is emerging globally, driven by China and the United States. In the United States, price inflation was 2.6% in March and rising. Nevertheless, the Fed intends to continue its loose monetary policy, which was accelerated during the Corona Crisis, until at least 2023. In doing so, Fed Chairman Powell is overriding the basic principle of a central bank to take preventive action against inflation. There is a threat of monetary devaluation of historic proportions. We show how you can profit from this situation.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 8th, 2021 | 09:49 CEST

Infineon, Airbus, Lufthansa, Almonty Industries - High-tech is the bottleneck!

  • Tungsten

In order to limit global warming, the world must become climate-neutral. For this, it will require removing billions of tons of CO2 from the atmosphere and storing it. Meanwhile, the Corona pandemic raises entirely different problems. Planned investments in research and development cannot be carried out as planned due to a lack of raw materials and the supply of certain necessary resources. Primarily, this affects high-tech manufacturers, but even basic technologies can only be developed with difficulty. We shed light on the facets of an economy trying to move a great deal, but with a giant brake block in front of it.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 6th, 2020 | 10:15 CET

Infineon, dynaCERT, Nemetschek: Where innovations drive the share price

  • Innovations

The future is traded on the stock exchange. Those who invest in the right companies can achieve rapid returns. But how do you find out which innovations will cause share prices to rise? Since its IPO shortly before the turn of the millennium, the German chip specialist Infineon has developed into an essential Company in the chip industry. Just a few months ago, Infineon completed the critical acquisition of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, adding areas that are important for the Internet of Things, and other applications related to the new 5G mobile communications standard, to its portfolio.


Commented by Mario Hose on February 13th, 2020 | 12:52 CET

Infineon, Memphasys, Steinhoff - the potential of scalability

  • Success

The charm and lure of optically low share prices can lead to an extraordinary return in the event of success. One of the most exciting and successful turnaround stories of the past decades is Infineon. The company went public in the environment of the new market hype, and at the beginning of the new millennium the shares changed hands at over EUR 83.00. In 2009, nine years later, Infineon was traded at less than EUR 0.50 in the wake of the global economic crisis. Those who showed courage back then were able to make a fortune to this day, depending on the number of shares. There are always opportunities.
