Interview with Prospect Ridge Resources
Interview Prospect Ridge Resources: These fillets taste good to the market
time to read: 9 minutes | The interview was conducted by Nico Popp on November 24th, 2021 in Vancouver (CAN).
Nick Luksha
President |
Prospect Ridge Resources
1288 West Cordova Street Suite 2807,
V6C 3R3 Vancouver (CAN)
Table of contents:
Is this the "holy grail?"
news|financial: "You are a resource developer who is the subject of lively discussion within the mining scene in Canada. Your Holy Grail project features 12 historic mines covering more than 80,000 hectares. At the same time, the geology is said to closely resemble the well-known Golden Triangle. Please explain to us why you see the project as the "holy grail"!"
"[...] As we look at four or more zones in more detail from the beginning, investors can expect a continuous news flow that will underscore our vision of the Holy Grail project as a giant opportunity. [...]" Nick Luksha, President, Prospect Ridge Resources
As you may know, not all gold projects make it into production. In fact, only a very small portion of them do. The Holy Grail project is unique because of its size and the deposits believed to be there. We go so far as to say that even the best and most experienced geologists have to wait a lifetime to supervise such a project. The 80,000 hectares of land include several historic mines, large areas of gold visible to the naked eye, and numerous other promising exploration zones.
We currently have four areas where we can start drilling at any time. We are now waiting for the permits. It looks like the permits will reach us this winter, so we can begin as early as spring. As we look at four or more zones in more detail from the beginning, investors can expect a continuous news flow that will underscore our vision of the Holy Grail project as a giant opportunity.
news|financial: "Bureaucracy sometimes has its pitfalls. What makes you so confident that drilling will happen by spring?"
We are working with a consulting firm with an excellent connection to the authorities, and it is very familiar with all aspects of the property. Rest assured that we have adapted our plans to the conditions on site. We expect to receive the permits within the next three months, probably even a little earlier. It must be said that British Columbia offers good conditions for mining companies. These good conditions also include the fact that there is the necessary capacity at partner companies to be able to implement the exploration targets. We will drill 10,000 or even 20,000 meters in the spring. The detailed planning for this is currently underway, and we already have the necessary funds in our coffers.
Climatic advantages
news|financial: "Parts of your property are located near sea level. It does not get very cold there, even in winter. What work takes place during the winter?"
As parts of our property are flat land and close to the Pacific Ocean, our winters are comparatively mild by Canadian standards. For these reasons, we can already undertake preliminary work for drilling, especially in the flatter regions, which includes rock sampling. The latter is, of course, even more fun when there are visible gold deposits.
Visible gold
news|financial: "You speak of rock fragments in which gold can be seen with the naked eye. What does this mean for your exploration? What is the deal with the historical property data that Prospect Ridge Resources has exclusively?"
"[...] We have several areas on our Holy Grail property right now where you only have to dig a little in the rock to discover traces of gold. [...]" Nick Luksha, President, Prospect Ridge Resources
In the mining community, we call visible gold "VG." It is very encouraging when you can see gold with the naked eye. We have several areas on our Holy Grail property right now where you only have to dig a little in the rock to discover traces of gold. Of course, it makes it easy to take appropriate rock samples. All results with more than 5 g/t gold are very promising and raise expectations for successful drilling. That the drill programs can be a success is also supported by historical records we have. Almost 110 years ago, a company already managed to produce gold at Holy Grail by the simplest of means. We have a chest full of old documents which we have evaluated and which - irrespective of today's standards - are very valuable for us.
Other deposits?
news|financial: "Do you expect to find gold between the historic mines on the Holy Grail property as well?"
We think it is likely that we can find gold between the historic mines. The property's sheer size is overwhelming and should hold many more opportunities than we can imagine today. The good thing for investors is that rock samples are gradually coming out of the lab, and we are constantly publishing these results. Furthermore, there are indications of other metals on the property, such as copper, molybdenum and even lithium. However, we are focusing on precious metals for now.
The agony of choice
news|financial: "Is there not a danger of getting bogged down when you have as many options as you do on the Holy Grail property?"
"[...] We are not mine developers. We move projects forward until they are of interest to the very big players in the industry. The track record of our staff shows that we can do this. [...]" Nick Luksha, President, Prospect Ridge Resources
We are a professional team and naturally proceed step by step. The fact that we can set priorities is shown, for example, by the current status of our Galinee project. This property is also very promising, but we have put work there on hold because Holy Grail requires our full attention. Rest assured that our focus is on demonstrating the potential of the property as quickly as we can. We are not mine developers. We move projects forward until they are of interest to the very big players in the industry. The track record of our staff shows that we can do this. Most notably, our CEO Michael Iverson has generated over a billion dollars in market capitalization and raised more than CAD 100 million of capital in the marketplace in his thirty-plus year career. We know what we are doing.
Current valuation
news|financial: "Probably, for this reason, the market is already valuing Project Ridge Resources at a promising level. What other reasons do you see for the market's positive response to your Company?"
Our results justify the valuation. 893, 976, and 984 grams of gold per ton speak a clear language. We have also found silver in high concentrations. Many other projects cannot come up with such grades. Also, many projects are just a tenth as large or even much smaller. The prospect of several prospective gold projects naturally stimulates the imagination around our stock. In addition, our CEO Michael Iverson has a good reputation in Canada. For years, there have been several family offices that have consistently invested where Michael is in charge. Michael Iverson was already retired and certainly would not have needed to work given his successes. Ultimately, however, the Holy Grail project won him over and motivated him to come out of retirement. Even Michael says he has not seen anything like Holy Grail.
Corporate culture
news|financial: "Let's talk further about your CEO. How does Michael Iverson run the Company, and what is the spirit at Prospect Ridge Resources?"
When you work with Michael Iverson, you quickly realize that he has been through it all before. He has numerous good contacts and also brings the necessary composure. It sometimes seems as if Michael knows exactly when it is worth going the extra mile and when not. The entire team benefits from this experience. So we not only have a good CEO with excellent contacts but also a mentor who makes us all even better during our time together. We are a strong team that believes in mutual success.
Economic feasibility and a possible sale
news|financial: "You mentioned earlier that the Holy Grail project has the potential to become either a very large mine or several smaller mines. Do you plan to release a feasibility study of some sort in a few years?"
We want to collect data on some of the mines in the next 18 months and then prepare it. We know precisely what is needed. We aim to obtain lucrative takeover bids and thus create value for our shareholders. But for these takeover bids to be made, we have to drill successfully. We will explore the promising zones one by one and then try to sell the fillet pieces individually on good terms. The size of the property and the high gold grades will help us to do this. We are proceeding like a pizza seller in a city center who earns more in the end because he sells individual pieces. The coming year will be decisive and show the way forward.
news|financial: "You currently have about CAD 5 million in cash on hand. Are there further capital raises planned in the foreseeable future, and what role do your anchor shareholders play in that?"
"[...] Thanks to the strong role of our anchor shareholders and the growing interest in Prospect Ridge Resources, we are confident that our Company will continue to be well-financed in the future. [...]" Nick Luksha, President, Prospect Ridge Resources
In addition to our cash balance of CAD 5 million, warrants may add another CAD 6 million to our coffers. In addition, we consider it conceivable to raise further funds on good terms. However, we are in no hurry to do so but believe that good opportunities will arise in the coming year. We prefer to have enough capital in the bank and then achieve our drilling targets quickly and comprehensively. Also, on such a large property, it can always happen that new opportunities arise. In such a case, it is better to have capital rather than need it. Thanks to the strong role of our anchor shareholders and the growing interest in Prospect Ridge Resources, we are confident that our Company will continue to be well-financed in the future.
Infrastructure around Holy Grail
news|financial: "What about the infrastructure on-site?"
"[...] The general conditions for Holy Grail are, therefore, excellent from an infrastructure point of view. [...]" Nick Luksha, President, Prospect Ridge Resources
Critical to the excellent infrastructure at the Holy Grail project are the roads. While other companies always have to take the helicopter, we can do a lot of the work by taking the road that connects almost all the major areas of the property. That saves money and time. Furthermore, there are power lines that also bring the capacity needed for a company like ours. The infrastructure that contributes positively to our project also includes the nearby deepwater port on the Pacific Ocean, a railroad line and two highways in the immediate vicinity. About 10km away, South of us, is a small town with hotels and everything you need to live. There are also some mining service providers around our project, so the distances are short if necessary. Rio Tinto is also active nearby, so there are links there too. The general conditions for Holy Grail are, therefore, excellent from an infrastructure point of view.
news|financial: "Thank you very much for talking to us."