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Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 25th, 2021 | 12:32 CEST

NEL, Plug Power, Royal Helium - Things could get explosive here!

  • Helium

The energy turnaround in Europe is tied to several factors. On the one hand, it is about reducing emissions, especially of harmful climate gases. On the other hand, companies want to leave a green footprint because it is good for the public reputation and opens other doors of refinancing on the investor level. Concerning ESG criteria, we certainly want to attribute ethical, ecological reasons to most companies. Nevertheless, the road to greater climate neutrality is still rocky and cost-intensive for most. Another prerequisite is that substitute materials and environmentally friendly precursors are equally subject to scarcity since supply chains have been broken. Therefore, the pivotal point for climate-oriented business is the factual competence of the "how," then the necessary means, and finally, the material availability.


Commented by Armin Schulz on June 11th, 2021 | 08:05 CEST

BP, Royal Helium, Gazprom - Boosters for the Portfolio

  • Helium

Inflation is here. In the USA 4.2%, in Germany 2.5%. Meanwhile, it may be doubted that these values are of a short-term nature. Commodity prices have been rising for some time, and some craftsmen in Germany are switching to short-time work because they can no longer obtain materials or only at horrendous prices. Inflation means nothing else than a loss of value of money. So, where is the best place to invest at the moment? Dividends would be nice; ideally, more than 3% and additional price gains in stocks would be even nicer. We have picked out three stocks that we think are suitable inflation protectors.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 31st, 2021 | 11:14 CEST

Nel ASA, Royal Helium, Nikola, Plug Power - Here comes the second chance

  • Helium

The correction of the stock exchange Highflyer of 2020, hydrogen, could be stopped for the time being. The first delicate, chart-technical stabilization tendencies can be recognized with many shares of the boom industry. The importance of hydrogen as an energy source will increase in the coming decades as governments work to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Hydrogen produces no carbon dioxide when burned or used in a fuel cell to generate electricity. Thus, rosy times are ahead for the industry. Take advantage of the second chance!


Commented by Nico Popp on May 28th, 2021 | 08:14 CEST

Royal Helium, NEL, Steinhoff: Quick profits? That is what counts!

  • Helium

Earning a lot of money in a short time is ideal for many private investors. But sometimes, things do not turn out the way one expects: share prices go on a roller coaster ride, or a major legal decision drags on. Using three stocks as an example, we explain what brave speculators should watch out for in order to achieve their goal as quickly as possible.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on May 19th, 2021 | 12:27 CEST

Royal Helium, Royal Dutch Shell, Gazprom - These commodity stocks are stepping on the gas

  • Helium

Commodities are currently on everyone's lips again: energy transition, electromobility, medical progress. All of these require resources that, as always, have to be laboriously extracted or produced. Corona has made the situation even worse: people are currently feeling the pain of global production shortfalls. Semiconductor chips are currently in short supply, and copper prices are rising. What this means for the manufacturing industry and the end consumer, however, is reflected in the profits of the raw material producers. Time to take a closer look at them and profit from the development!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 3rd, 2021 | 10:34 CEST

NEL, Plug Power, FuelCell, Royal Helium - Buy or Sell?

  • Helium

What will the energy transition look like in Europe? Hydrogen - the raw material is seen as an alternative building block of a green future and, according to experts, could become one of the most important energy sources in the coming decades. Water is plentiful, and the only thing missing is a truly environmentally friendly way to produce it. Even under the best conditions, producing green hydrogen costs about 10 times as much as Russian natural gas, which also burns fairly cleanly overall. We have not even considered the electro-technical efficiency.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 29th, 2021 | 08:40 CEST

Xiaomi, Royal Helium, AMD - The battle for capacity

  • Helium

The demand for semiconductors has grown dramatically in recent years due to energy walls. In addition to electric cars, the latest-generation wind turbines, solar, and smart grid solutions require significantly more chips. Added to this are crypto miners, which have a significant demand to mine digital currencies. However, the primary catalyst for the drastic shortage was Corona. Supply chains were ripped apart and the auto industry canceled orders, with drastic consequences.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 30th, 2021 | 08:06 CEST

GameStop, Royal Helium, Varta: "Hot Picks" for the Portfolio

  • Helium

Many private investors are looking to make a quick buck on the stock market. Time and again, this leads to investors taking on too much risk in relation to their financial situation. However, it can make sense to add one or two speculative stocks to a balanced portfolio. With only small amounts, it can be possible to achieve real returns even after inflation. We present three stocks and explain whether they are suitable as portfolio boosters or not.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 25th, 2021 | 08:35 CET

Linde, Royal Helium, Air Liquide - Two hydrogens, one helium. All there for an explosive mixture!

  • Helium

Nuclear fusion is the keyword of the future. Technically, this involves fusing two hydrogen atoms to form a helium nucleus. What is possible on a large scale on the sun without any problems (in fact, 564 million tons of hydrogen are fused into helium there every second), unfortunately, remains a dream of the future for us. This means 1. we cannot yet generate electricity from nuclear fusion, so we must continue to manage the energy transition with established sustainable technologies such as wind, solar and hydropower. Hydrogen will play a prominent role as an energy storage and transmission medium. And 2. helium will not be produced on an industrial scale in the foreseeable future in any other way than through conventional production. The following three companies should profit strongly from the energy turnaround.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 12th, 2021 | 07:39 CET

Linde plc, Airbus SE, Royal Helium - Things are taking off!

  • Helium

Despite the second wave of the pandemic, the European Central Bank (ECB) has slightly raised its economic forecast for the eurozone economy, which has been battered by the Corona Crisis. The central bank announced on Thursday after the interest rate decision in Frankfurt that ECB economists now expect the gross domestic product (GDP) to grow by 4% for the current year. In December, central bank economists had still predicted 3.9%. So when the economy shifts into the next gear, commodity demand must be linked to this scenario. It provides a reasonable explanation for the bullish copper price. In this context, we take a look at the important industrial gases.
