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Commented by André Will-Laudien on September 22nd, 2021 | 14:05 CEST

NEL, dynaCERT, Plug Power, FuelCell Energy - Hydrogen, the flagpole is broken!

  • Hydrogen

Today, what a hype, one would say. Those who held their nerve in January and let reality prevail are not the ones who are surprised at the outcome today. Hydrogen was the stuff of dreams for a few weeks, but the barrel foamed over properly. After rises of up to 2500%, almost all H2 stocks went into the cellar. And how dynamic it was! In just 6 months, hydrogen stocks have lost up to 85% again. One wonders: can there be a second wave? The framework parameters are suitable, as both the EU and Joe Biden have agreed on more hydrogen within the climate targets. The only important thing is the exact design of the subsidies because it will probably not be possible without government orders!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on September 16th, 2021 | 13:17 CEST

FuelCell Energy, Saturn Oil + Gas, Gazprom - The Renaissance of fossil fuels

  • Oil

There is no question that Germany has already achieved a great deal in terms of climate protection. In 2020, about 45% of its electricity came from renewable sources. However, the goal of becoming greenhouse gas neutral by 2045 is still a long way off. For this plan to become a reality, wind power still needs to be expanded significantly. The first half of the current year shows that it will not be possible to do without fossil fuels in the coming years. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, over 56% of the total 258.9 billion kWh of electricity generated in Germany came from conventional sources such as coal, natural gas and nuclear energy.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on September 15th, 2021 | 14:23 CEST

Nel ASA, Enapter, Plug Power, FuelCell Energy - It is time to go all out!

  • Hydrogen

Hydrogen is not only a climate-friendly means of propulsion for automobiles and heavy-duty transport. Large industries such as chemicals and steel can use hydrogen technology to reduce their consumption of natural gas. There are costs involved when converting to hydrogen, most of which are only feasible with political support. The German government's national hydrogen strategy fits in well here. But medium-sized industries, especially energy-intensive sectors, could also become much more environmentally friendly with hydrogen-based technologies. Which stocks are well-positioned here?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 30th, 2021 | 12:13 CEST

First Hydrogen, Nel, Plug Power, FuelCell Energy - Is the next Hydrogen rally coming?

  • Hydrogen

Hydrogen is repeatedly put forward as a solution for climate-neutral energy production. A strong distinction must be made for climate protection because only green hydrogen - produced from 100% renewable energy - is truly climate-friendly. Insufficient differentiation between hydrogen types has fatal consequences for the globe. In a recent study, scientists at the University of Standford in California prove that blue hydrogen, produced from natural gas in combination with the injection of the resulting CO2 through carbon capture-and-storage, actually has a significantly worse climate balance than the direct combustion of crude oil and natural gas. Significant methane gas emissions in production mainly cause this. Today we look at interesting values in the hydrogen environment.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 13th, 2021 | 12:36 CEST

NEL, dynaCERT, FuelCell Energy, Plug Power - Is hydrogen about to explode next?

  • Hydrogen

Not only is the EU tightening its climate targets, but around the globe, more and more countries are decarbonizing their economies. The subject of hydrogen is providing the rainmaking impetus for discussion. Since the closing of ranks on e-mobility, however, it is no longer the focus of attention. However, according to the World Energy Council (WEC) analysis, at least 20 countries that account for almost half of global economic output have adopted a national hydrogen strategy or are at least close to doing so. Leading the way are Japan, France, South Korea, the Netherlands, Australia, Norway, Spain and Portugal. But Russia, China, Morocco and the USA are also working on their strategies. Australia and China are leading the way, while Europe and the Middle East are already doing a lot. We take a look at the premier league of H2 values.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 14th, 2021 | 11:39 CEST

Enapter, NEL, Plug Power, FuelCell - Hydrogen under cross-examination!

  • Hydrogen

The sharp rise in prices for heating energy and fuels keeps Germany's inflation rate at a high level. With an increase of 2.3% compared to the same month last year, inflation slowed slightly in June, but it had risen in each of the previous five months, reaching 2.5% in May, the highest level in almost 10 years. The efficient production of hydrogen and its industrial utilization would make our energy supply affordable and environmentally sustainable in the long term. Unfortunately, current technologies are still costly and not suitable for mass production. However, hydrogen remains a hot topic on the stock market. We take a look at the main actors in the H2 thriller.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 23rd, 2021 | 13:14 CEST

FuelCell, NEL, Enapter - Hydrogen on the rise again!

  • Hydrogen

It was quiet around the hydrogen stocks for a few months. Although we see high stock market turnover, the prices tended to move sideways. Yesterday there was good quarterly news from Plug Power, sales are increasing, but the loss continued to grow because of their high investment costs. The whole industry was caught in the downward trend, but in the last 4 weeks, there was a small revival of the stocks. The independent research organization SINTEF from Norway forecasts a massive market for hydrogen with a demand of over 100 million tons by 2050. We take a brief look at the protagonists' cards.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 27th, 2021 | 08:40 CEST

NEL, Plug Power, FuelCell, dynaCERT: Hydrogen stocks - is there a comeback?

  • Hydrogen

At the start of the year, they were the hit stocks - the hydrogen stocks. The expectation was that governments would heavily subsidize hydrogen alongside electromobility to help another green alternative to the internal combustion engine get off the ground. The idea was good but failed on only one point: battery-powered vehicles already exist in large numbers, but H2 vehicles suitable for mass production do not yet exist. With a lack of products, no tax rebates or the like can be granted either. So today, the private consumer can only choose one green technology, the electric or hybrid drive. Is there still a future for hydrogen values?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 20th, 2021 | 08:23 CEST

Varta, PlugPower, FuelCell, Mineworx Technologies - Environmental stocks are booming!

  • Mining

The stock market is showing initial downward reactions. Having trended close to its high of 15,508 points again at the beginning of the week, the DAX saw a sell-off in growth stocks yesterday. Again, hydrogen stocks, e-mobility and especially crypto stocks were targeted by sellers. The crypto collapse of up to 50% was once again fueled by the Chinese government yesterday. The nationwide trading ban declared since 2013 was repeated accordingly. One can well imagine that trader turnover will soon be controlled and sanctioned on the Internet as well. The crypto community reacted in shock to this news.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 3rd, 2021 | 10:34 CEST

NEL, Plug Power, FuelCell, Royal Helium - Buy or Sell?

  • Helium

What will the energy transition look like in Europe? Hydrogen - the raw material is seen as an alternative building block of a green future and, according to experts, could become one of the most important energy sources in the coming decades. Water is plentiful, and the only thing missing is a truly environmentally friendly way to produce it. Even under the best conditions, producing green hydrogen costs about 10 times as much as Russian natural gas, which also burns fairly cleanly overall. We have not even considered the electro-technical efficiency.
