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Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 15th, 2021 | 07:24 CEST

Coinbase, Plug Power, NSJ Gold Corp. - Bitcoin, inflation, gold - triple whammy!

  • Gold

The crypto craze has erupted. Nothing is currently causing as much of a stir as cryptocurrencies, their trading platforms and all the service companies surrounding them. Never before have there been such price surges in associated assets in such a short period. There is widespread talk of the crypto world as a means to combat inflation and provide a new payment system. Let's be honest: a currency that fluctuates by more than 500% every six months is hardly suitable for mapping the payment flows of millions of transactions in the goods sector. A Bitcoin that cost EUR 10,000 in the summer of 2020 has reached prices of over EUR 50,000 today. How should one deal with this alleged "currency" - Impossible, as Bitcoin itself is probably inflationary!
