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Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 6th, 2023 | 09:50 CEST

Blackout in Germany! Siemens Energy, Myriad Uranium, Rheinmetall - We are shutting down the reactors!

  • Mining
  • Uranium
  • Defense
  • renewableenergies

Only three more weeks until the final shutdown of the last 3 nuclear reactors in the Federal Republic of Germany. How nice that we can rely on supplies from France, Belgium and the Czech Republic to meet our electricity needs in the future. The traffic light coalition in Berlin obviously believes that this is a service to the German citizens. Wrongly thought: both on the cost side of energy purchasing and on the safety side, the elected politicians are once again doing us a disservice. The bottom line is that electricity prices will continue to rise, the implementation of e-mobility will become increasingly questionable, and the security situation at the borders of our republic will become more and more precarious because we should not be fooled into thinking that a Czech reactor poses fewer risks than the Isar 2 nuclear power plant in Ohu. How can the equity investor still profit?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 16th, 2023 | 15:22 CET

Last Generation in Lützerath - Greentech shares jump! Siemens Energy, Auxico Resources, JinkoSolar, and Nordex in focus

  • Mining
  • RareEarths
  • GreenTech

Fossil energy supply is becoming increasingly uncertain and is a red rag for the "Last Generation". What is currently happening in Lützerath could become a blueprint for Germany's energy problems in the future. The political loss of the supplier and raw material giant Russia creates a dangerous undersupply, especially for Central Europe. Due to the mild winter, gas reserves are still abundant, but public pressure is on the industry. Production processes must become more sustainable, even if this initially increases costs in the short term due to necessary investments. In the long term, however, this will sustainably renew the German industrial landscape and make it much more competitive again. Which Greentech stocks should you keep an eye on?


Commented by Nico Popp on December 12th, 2022 | 11:21 CET

Oil price shock! Money is made here: Shell, Saturn Oil + Gas, Siemens Energy

  • Mining
  • Oil
  • Gas
  • Energy

OPEC+, i.e. the oil cartel plus other oil-producing countries such as Russia, Oman, Kazakhstan and Mexico, cut oil production a few days ago. Viennese economist Franz Wirl believes the measure is too drastic. He and other observers suspect that OPEC+ wants to cash in again, given an impending recession. What role does the OPEC+ decision have for the oil price, and which stocks can profit? We provide answers!


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on November 25th, 2022 | 10:29 CET

TubeSolar, Nordex, Siemens Energy - Energy drivers for the portfolio

  • photovoltaics
  • Solar
  • renewableenergies

German Engineering is a seal of quality, also abroad. What sometimes takes a little longer in development pays off in the long run. Solar system manufacturer TubeSolar from Augsburg can be pleased about a TÜV certification for its patented products. In Germany, the share of photovoltaics in the power grid rose by 11.2%, and worldwide the CAGR of PV installations increased by 32%. JinkoSolar, a leading Chinese manufacturer of solar modules, has also played a significant role in this growth. However, China shares entail risks. Siemens Energy is not without risk at the moment either. The management heads are changing in the internal takeover game of the Spanish wind energy company Gamesa.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 24th, 2022 | 11:12 CET

What the heat turnaround means for copper: Siemens Energy, Kodiak Copper, ThyssenKrupp

  • Mining
  • Copper

Investors looking for the latest trends often focus on metals such as rare earths, vanadium and lithium. But if you want to get the future into your portfolio, you don't have to rely on exotic elements; copper offers the best conditions. As the British Building Services Research and Information Association (BSRIA) has shown on behalf of the International Copper Association, the demand for copper alone for climate-related refurbishment will increase to 160,000t by 2035 from the current 40,000t. That represents an annual growth rate of around 10%. We highlight three companies around the trend.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 9th, 2022 | 11:11 CET

Energy supply in Germany: Nordex, Siemens Energy, TubeSolar, JinkoSolar - With green power ahead!

  • GreenTech
  • Energy
  • Solar

The calendrical winter is not far away. The German government proclaims that with the measures taken, wintering is possible in Germany. Given the currently 98.5% filled gas storage facilities, the emergency has been overcome. However, experts expect supply bottlenecks by January at the latest and the need to distribute the available gas fairly among its customers. Will BASF then receive its required gas volume and all households 8.7% less - or what will the calculation look like? Difficult - this is where the dilemma facing Central Europe becomes apparent. The loss of Russian energy supplies cannot be remedied in the short term - but in the long term, GreenTech alternatives could create our security of supply. Let us take a look around for suitable investment opportunities.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 2nd, 2022 | 13:34 CET

GreenTech shares jump! Siemens Energy, Defense Metals, JinkoSolar, and Nordex in focus

  • Mining
  • RareEarths
  • GreenTech

Fossil energy supply is becoming increasingly expensive. The political disappearance of supplier and commodity giant Russia is creating a dangerous undersupply, especially for Central Europe. The approaching winter could pose problems, and the industry might have to deal with rationing in the medium term. Products are becoming considerably more expensive to produce, and as a result, selling prices on the shelves are also increasing. The inflationary spiral is thus spiraling upward, and sales are falling. Meanwhile, GreenTech solutions are more in demand than ever for the purchase of energy. Which shares are playing to the fore here?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on September 27th, 2022 | 13:49 CEST

Energy for the stock market! Siemens Energy, TubeSolar, Nel ASA, Plug Power - Green innovations are needed now!

  • renewableenergies
  • Energy
  • Hydrogen
  • GreenTech

Many innovative companies are working on sustainable solutions to reduce the colossal dependence on fossil fuels, sometimes with success and sometimes with less noteworthiness. For investors, it is important to note that most of the ideas have German engineering behind them, a testament to our high-performing education and training system. Some very creative start-ups go public quickly and boldly to refinance themselves. Other large companies are already long-listed and now have to watch their formerly lush valuations melt away in the sun. The selection of portfolio stocks is important, so it is always advisable to mix standard stocks with hopeful ones, which lowers the risks. We make a selection.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on September 24th, 2022 | 21:30 CEST

The green wave keeps rolling! Siemens Energy, Nel ASA, Alpha Copper, Plug Power - Copper now at 7,800!

  • Mining
  • Copper
  • GreenTech
  • Hydrogen

Not enough copper is being mined! Despite this, the price has recently corrected by about 25%. It is mainly due to the worse economic expectations for the coming years. The orders are therefore falling, and the price is also falling slightly. However, the warehouses, due to many strong basic trends such as electromobility, will soon ensure that there will be a renewed shortage. These recurring economic trends, the increasingly difficult supply chain issue and the now high-interest rates are causing high planning uncertainty. Ultimately, they also weigh on mine output locally. We look at the opportunities and risks of the green wave!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on September 20th, 2022 | 10:52 CEST

Siemens Energy, Barsele Minerals, Nordex, HelloFresh - Markets under the spell of the Fed

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Investments

The all-dominant topic this week is the interest rate decision of the US Federal Reserve. On Wednesday, a further tightening of interest rates is considered a certainty. However, experts even assume the largest interest rate step for over 40 years with an increase of a whole percentage point. Of course, this would weigh on the precious metals and crypto sectors in addition to the stock markets. In the medium term, however, a change in strategy by the monetary guardians could be on the horizon.
