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Commented by Stefan Feulner on August 16th, 2021 | 12:04 CEST

Freenet, Deutsche Rohstoff, Palantir - The clock is ticking

  • Oil

The German parliamentary elections are on September 26, which means there are just under 6 weeks left in which Baerbock, Laschet and Scholz vie for the favor of voters. Climate protection is one of the most important campaign issues. If you look at the party programs, the energy transition enjoys the highest priority among the Greens. They plan an immediate climate protection program that will quickly initiate effective measures in all areas and remove obstacles to expanding renewable energies. To this end, the Climate Protection Act is to be tightened up. Emissions will be reduced by 70% by 2030, and Germany will be climate-neutral by 2035. It should already be clear to every German citizen entitled to vote that much of what is planned in theory can hardly be implemented, or at least not within the specified timeframe.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on August 11th, 2021 | 13:25 CEST

Deutsche Rohstoff, Robinhood, KUKA - Watch out: This is where the action is!

  • Oil

A positive stock market environment, good company development, positive newsflow, and favorable company valuation form the perfect basis for investing in a stock. Sometimes it takes a little longer for the market to put one and one together - this is exactly the opportunity for forward-looking and informed investors. Which stock has the greatest potential?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 26th, 2021 | 11:04 CEST

Varta, Deutsche Rohstoff AG, Nordex: Multipliers in the commodity sector!

  • Oil

Commodity companies are currently sitting in the front row. But not all of them can profit! Only if a company has invested in recent years can it now deliver. Mining operations worldwide are currently working at the limits of their capacity, and supplying customers is also causing increasing problems. That is because supply chains have been badly hit by a lack of transport capacity, skyrocketing freight rates and pandemic-related outages. It is particularly noticeable in industry: Procurement prices for raw materials and precursors are going through the roof. We take a look at the books of some of the companies involved.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on July 22nd, 2021 | 11:57 CEST

SAP, Deutsche Rohstoff, Bayer, Condor Gold - Better than expected

  • Oil

The reporting season for the second quarter of 2021 is in full swing. After the weak figures from the same period last year, caused by the Corona pandemic, analysts and investors expect significant earnings increases from companies that suffered heavy losses due to the global lockdowns. On the other hand, it will be interesting to see whether Corona beneficiaries such as Amazon can confirm their growth.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on July 15th, 2021 | 17:29 CEST

BP, Deutsche Rohstoff, Encavis - Is that it?

  • Oil

Nothing works without energy. But the world also needs to keep an eye on resource extraction and climate protection. ESG is a big investment topic. Even if the ideal target includes primarily renewable energy, that is simply out of touch with reality. Oil and gas producers are an attractive investment due to the high prices of the extracted raw materials. When will the next price jump come?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on July 9th, 2021 | 11:27 CEST

Nel ASA, Deutsche Rohstoff AG, Royal Dutch Shell - Flexibility pays off

  • Oil

If you believe the media, fossil fuels have no long-term future. The replacement by renewable energies such as wind and water power or photovoltaics seems to be a done deal. Whether the "green turnaround," as planned by politicians, will occur is still written in the stars. The new technologies have too many open construction sites; think of the weak infrastructure for e-charging stations. Until then, demand for fuels such as gasoline and diesel for cars with internal combustion engines is likely to remain at a high level, much to the liking of oil producers.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 17th, 2021 | 12:54 CEST

Nel ASA, Plug Power, Deutsche Rohstoff AG: Oil explosion or hydrogen hype?

  • Oil

Brent prices are going through the roof! The stock markets have to digest their COVID trauma, and China is hoarding oil and other commodities to satisfy the upcoming boom. Many consumers worldwide are waiting for the delivery of their long-ordered products. Problem: Shortages of raw materials and chips are causing massive delivery delays around the globe. Then there were events like the blockade of the Suez Canal or the restrictive stance of OPEC. One would like to keep prices high; at least the Federal Reserve recently sounded the alarm: 5% inflation in a monthly rate! Warning shot or starting trend?


Commented by Nico Popp on June 10th, 2021 | 10:25 CEST

BYD, Varta, Deutsche Rohstoff: These are the stocks of the future

  • Oil

New technologies are turning the markets upside down. Electromobility is fundamentally changing the automotive industry. Whereas in the past, it was engine technology that mattered, today, it is the batteries that determine which cars are considered modern and which are not. The trend toward renewable energy sources is also changing as wind turbines and solar cells require many different raw materials and drive demand. We highlight three companies along the supply chain.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on June 4th, 2021 | 10:19 CEST

Nordex, Deutsche Rohstoff AG, Nikola - Enormous scope for further growth

  • Commodities

The replacement of fossil fuels by renewable energies is a done deal. The targets for a climate-neutral world are being raised by politicians almost every week. Nevertheless, according to experts, the world will not get by without oil and gas as the primary source of energy in the future. Oil prices continue to climb, trading at around 30% above pre-Corona levels. At the same time, the economic recovery is only just getting underway. Due to global demand, this trend is likely to continue for some time, with significant upside potential for producers.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on May 20th, 2021 | 10:10 CEST

Bitcoin Group, Deutsche Rohstoff, Aurelius - Alternative Investment Champions

  • Investments

Those who invest in the asset class "Alternative Assets" either move away from "Classic" investments such as stocks or bonds or invest in the liquid securities with "Alternative" strategies. Here, the universe available for selection is huge. Classic cars, private equity, cryptos or commodities - you decide. Except for the old-timers, we brought an investment idea from each category. If successful, there might be a classic car in there too...
