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Commented by Nico Popp on February 15th, 2021 | 11:12 CET

SAP, Revez, IBM: Where digitization creates value

  • Software

Anyone looking to invest in digitization today rarely finds great growth opportunities on the stock market. Many innovative companies are only open to venture capitalists and develop their groundbreaking products away from the major trading centers. If the companies are successful, large multinationals are ready and make a takeover bid. It is not uncommon for revolutionary technology to be absorbed into billion-dollar corporations and go under a little. We explain where IT investments are still worthwhile today and where investors should be cautious, using the examples of SAP, REVEZ and IBM.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 3rd, 2021 | 08:00 CET

Xpeng, Q&M Dental, SAP - Incredible growth opportunities!

  • Growth

One surprise of the past year was the sudden boom in IPOs, especially in the US. This trend is likely to accelerate in the year ahead. The IPO of SAP's subsidiary whets the appetite for more. The Asian middle class is also hungry for more. Consumption is exploding as a result of the enormous growth in purchasing power. Sectors such as wellness and aesthetics are set to experience unprecedented hype in the coming years.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 27th, 2021 | 07:10 CET

GS Holdings Ltd., SAP SE, BB Biotech AG: Great services for society!

  • Investments

The world is moving ever closer together. In the fight against the pandemic, the demand in the service industry is higher than ever. Distance and isolation, however, are the current opposing elements of daily life for everyone. However, for all areas of life, the service industry must continue to function under certain basic conditions. The guidelines are regulated. The adaptation of business models to the new rules of everyday life is taking place quickly, and companies and private individuals are taking the best possible route. More than ever, online presence, network availability, and a high level of service are among the guarantees of a functioning society. Asia is ahead of Europe in many respects, but when it comes to technology, biotech and medicine, the Western nations are currently still ahead!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 21st, 2021 | 12:00 CET

Plug Power, Osino Resources, SAP - these values are being raised!

  • Gold

At the moment, events are unfolding both nationally and on the global stage. As expected, the lockdown was extended until mid-February, but thankfully we were spared the feared mega-lockdown. After a four-year presidency, Donald Trump officially said goodbye and left the White House, at least temporarily. Jack Ma came back after several weeks of abstinence and addressed his fan community in a video. As a result, Alibaba's stock market value rose by a whopping USD 63 billion. Values are currently being raised at other companies as well.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on December 30th, 2020 | 09:29 CET

Everfuel, Q&M Dental Group, SAP - Focus on change!

  • Investments

The year is drawing to a close. It has been an exciting year for the capital markets due to the Corona pandemic. In addition to reaching new highs at Dow, DAX & Co., the boom in IPOs, especially in the USA, was another surprise. The situation in the real economy is different, though. While Europe, South America and the United States are still suffering from the lockdowns, the Asian economies are recovering far faster than expected.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on October 29th, 2020 | 13:19 CET

SAP, Triumph Gold, JinkoSolar - Mutti blows to get started!

  • Investments

It seems done. Yesterday afternoon, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel (German nickname: Mutti) decided on the second lockdown of this year due to the vastly increasing number of cases in the Corona Pandemic. Although this lockdown is supposed to be somewhat "lighter and more social" than the first, it is causing uncertainty among the population and the capital markets. It remains to be seen whether the stock markets will reach a new low after the experience in spring, or whether they will only get shaken vigorously for a short time. Should the worst-case scenario occur, the central banks with their money printing machines will undoubtedly be ready again. So a second chance to get started? In any case, keep an eye on gold stocks.


Commented by Mario Hose on June 18th, 2020 | 09:12 CEST

Daimler, SAP, Triumph Gold - the changing world offers opportunities

  • Investments

What is the next big trend or with what can you achieve a decent return in the next days, weeks, months or even years? These are the questions that investors are currently asking themselves because the world and the investment environment have changed dramatically since the outbreak of the Corona Pandemic. On the one hand, social and economic life around the globe came to a virtual standstill and, in contrast, the German leading index, for example, after a short and sharp correction, is now only around 10% below its all-time high of last February. Those who have so far missed the start of the recovery phase are now looking for opportunities that have attractive price potential in the second half of the year.


Commented by Mario Hose on December 18th, 2019 | 10:36 CET

SAP, Siemens, Volkswagen, EXMceuticals - who has the best strategy for Africa?

  • Africa

The African continent is diverse and rich in people - more than just a beautiful travel destination. The population is estimated at around 1.3 billion people, which is comparable to China. The multitude of mineral resources and natural conditions offer an excellent starting position to strengthen the domestic economy and combat possible causes of flight. Various countries and companies have discovered Africa for themselves as a workbench, raw material region and sales market. However, sustainable stability and prosperity can usually only be achieved through education, and connection to that the different approaches of economy and politics can be of different importance for the local people.
