Commented by Stefan Feulner on December 6th, 2023 | 07:20 CET
Rock Tech Lithium, Altech Advanced Materials, Continental - There is a lot of movement here
The final few weeks of the year are packed with activity. Before the Christmas tree is decorated and the goose is on the table, several companies are planning significant capital measures for the future. The general conditions appear favorable, as the German leading index, DAX, is on the verge of reaching a new all-time high. Technology stocks have also switched back into rally mode in recent days, boosted by the expected loose monetary policy.
ReadCommented by Stefan Feulner on August 22nd, 2023 | 07:30 CEST
Full speed ahead - Continental, Globex Mining, Rheinmetall
Jackson Hole casts its shadow ahead. On Thursday, leading central bankers, including ECB Chief Christine Lagarde, will meet again to discuss the further interest rate strategy, taking into account the current inflation figures and the still looming recession. Positive signals concerning an easing of monetary policy could thus help the markets back into rally mode.
ReadCommented by Stefan Feulner on March 21st, 2022 | 12:13 CET
BYD, First Hydrogen, Continental - Hydrogen and e-mobility: Shares with huge potential
Germany must become more independent in terms of energy supply in the future. The war between Russia and Ukraine in the middle of Europe ruthlessly demonstrates how much the Federal Republic of Germany is at the mercy of fossil fuels. Now, at the latest, it should be apparent to every skeptic that the expansion of renewable energies and the transformation in the transport sector must proceed all the more quickly. The opportunities for the companies involved are enormous.
ReadCommented by Mario Hose on September 16th, 2020 | 10:05 CEST
Blackrock Gold, Continental, Siemens: Spin-Off as driver of share price
In the case of growing and large companies, the decision may be made in the course of development that part of the operational business be formed into a separate entity. A so-called spin-off or spin-out can have various advantages. On the one hand, capital-intensive businesses can separately tap the capital market independently in the form of a stock exchange listing and, in addition, the original company can also use the opportunity to sell shares. On the capital market, spin-off rumors and announcements can generate great interest among investors.
ReadCommented by Mario Hose on November 15th, 2019 | 13:40 CET
Water resources around the globe are increasingly polluted by pollutants. The pursuit of prosperity, luxury and safety comes at a price. More people need more food and the yield per hectare must increase through the use of more fertilizers and pesticides. The intake of medicines by humans and animals is also not without its consequences and so drug residues are increasingly becoming a problem. But where there are problems, new business opportunities also arise.